
Some people vehemently disliked her, but I enjoyed Ann Curry. Her voice tended toward a low register, and that was soothing (especially compared to Matt’s sometimes-nasally chatter, and another chirpy host whose name I cannot be bothered to recall).

Cat to vet after free procedure: Aioli you one.

Good samaritans saved poor kitty. Hey cat! Mayo never do that again!

His interviews with Hillary and Trump during the campaign were an epic fail, and NBC was criticized harshly for his performance.

Karma is a beautiful thing.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

GOOD. As I said on another post. This is lovely and nice and we all NEED THIS.

But you weren’t watching Cheers for the concept of people in a bar. You watched it because you liked Sam Malone, and Norm, and Cliff. You watched it because you enjoyed the jokes.

It sounds like you haven’t seen very many episodes of Black Mirror.

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?

Is she still screaming in terror? I would be, even decades later.


I guarantee you she is scared of bears in America. I’m an American ex-pat in Australia, and when I say that everything here wants to kill you, the standard Aussie reply is, “Yeah, but you guys have bears in America.” I think they think bears are just roaming our streets.


Did she need a face transplant because I would have clawed my own fucking face off

When I was a baby, my mom had me in a carrier as she went into the shed to check on something. She pulled the cord to the lightbulb and looked up to see a HUGE wolf spider perched directly above her face. She froze as long as she could but finally had to move because I was fussing...and the spider instantly dropped

I prefer pizza over prayers.

That’s how the movie ends. Spider to the face and a cut to black. Roll credits.

There’s a reason you’re spending Thanksgiving alone.

The snake screams??? The SNAKE SCREAMS????????!!!