
If my snark was read as an attack, I apologize. It wasn’t my intended tone at all.

Maybe because their job is to talk about clothes and not the body underneath them?

Harvey Milk used to say that anyone who managed to solve the dogshit problem could become Mayor of San Francisco. I do not doubt it.

Went to college with Danica, amazing human. Great campaign, great win. More to come from this woman!

Danica, Chris Hurst, Lee Carter, all ran some amazing campaigns. I’m so impressed with her, not just the brilliance of her campaign, but her poise and intelligence, and just general kindness. Couldn’t think of a better replacement for Bob the Bigot.

Hillary Clinton is an incredible elephant advocate. She also had a provision in her environmental plan to require humane farming. If you haven’t yet, go to her campaign site and read in full (including pdfs and links) her plans to use military funds to stop poaching.

You really think this is so egregious that he needs to resign over it? I’m sorry I just don’t agree.

They should do it. Then someone can go down there and put a round through Don Jr and Eric’s back and leave them to bleed out before taking their ear as a trophy.

Not sure if we have many Australians here - but some good news from Down Under. The country has just held a nationwide postal survey on a proposal to allow same sex couples to marry.

Must be Tuesday

I think it’ll view humans the same way we view our own loud, stupid, racist older relatives. Which is why we need to give these things eyes, so they can roll them while sighing loudly.


It’s a low bar indeed where we applaud when the Republicans seemingly do the right thing and decide a statutory rapist shouldn’t hold elected office.

No because they’re being careful.

So far the Trump Administration has defended:

I just got a new puppy. Here he is with my other doggo Betty.

Now playing

This is my favorite video of all time and I watch it almost every day.