
Yes I was incorrect! Sorry sorry sorry.

If you recognize any one of these people we need to DOX them every single one, I’m from Ohio and yeah we knew these ppl existed but they wouldn’t be tolerated if we knew who they are.

David Duke’s tweet explains it all. Trump is probably fighting with himself because he knows the Nazis/White Supremacists/KKK support and voted for him. He didn’t denounce them during the campaign because as a business person he knew those were votes and he didn’t want to lose them. We know how he feels about

That, or so dramatically worse that this will soon be a fond memory. Made the mistake of falling down a Venezuela-news rabbit hole today and can’t help but wonder how many people, 5-10 years ago, anticipated having their pet dogs and cats hunted for meat.

I woke up to the AP alert about his “locked and loaded” comment and immediately wanted to crawl back into bed. Someone, anyone, for the love of God, TAKE HIS FUCKING PHONE AWAY!! I would really like to not be lead into a nuclear war because of fucking twitter. Jesus H Christ. These emotional and petulant man babies

“California” pays no federal income taxes (although I’m sure they pay some duties or fees). Income taxes are taxed by person, not by state.

“Yes, I AM a lawyer!”

Also so 1997? Literally everyone’s hair.

I once explained this to a southern conservative, and his response was that the reason the rural south was so poor was because of all those damn federal regulations and welfare, and that if the federal government pulled out completely, the rural south would actually be much better off.

I think sanctuary cities should counteroffer with a refusal to pay any taxes...starting with the ones that fund this ham monster of a Congressman’s salary. Let’s see how the Trunp-loving rural areas of Georgia do when the cities start keeping funds to themselves (and I say this as someone who lives in farm country).

More for you!

I’ve been saving a bottle of very nice sippin’ vermouth for a special occasion (specifically when my renovation is really truly change-the-locks finished) but the builders have been AWOL all week and now we’re on the brink of nuclear war, so I dunno if it’s gonna make it that long.

Eh, it seems like a perfectly perfunctory interview. I’m curious to see how it actually sounded when it was conducted. Lots of weird misplaced vitriol towards him.

Poll: Half of Republicans are morons.

His victim will serve a life sentence of depression and anxiety.

Roald Dahl sure was right about one thing:

All together now

Maybe they were joking too? I cannot believe they were serious...

So, this is totally unrelated, but I was just called a disrespectful asshole in one of my earlier comments because I joked that there should be a Flying Spaghetti Monster outfit at the (possibly) religion-themed Met Gala next year and I need to share this. Was this troll behavior? Maybe he/she is a Pastefarian?

He’s just another... uh... wow... umm...hmm... face?