
This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

By Grabthar’s hammer, what a shithead.

To irrelevancy, and beyond!

It’s not the number. It’s the size. The scale is wrong for the space.

I’m in my thirties and I absolutely love getting older. Every year I get more comfortable with myself and enjoy life more. I find more things that interest me and I know what I am and what I am not. It’s magical.

I don’t know how old you are, but I tell people all the time that that one thing is one of the perks of being older. You don’t have to keep up the exhausting facade of “what this? Oh I only like this ironically.” Hell yeah I like Metallica and Britney at the same time!

This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.

Carmel is still not the bay area.

This isn’t about cramps (though I am having them right now and self medicating with a 99cent brownie from 7/11) but Madeleine, can I please get ungrayed? I have been around for over 4 years now, I don’t engage with trolls and try to be a respectful commenter. Thank you!

I guess my view is skewed by my own family’s response to Trump. During the election I was very wary about engaging with a lot of my relatives but come to find out they recognized voting for him was not in their best interests and voted Clinton or Johnson (we can debate the merits of throwing a vote away on Johnson in


My point is it’s going take the American people who voted for him a long time to stop listening to the promise and start following the facts.

What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

It’s because we are too busy paying attention to what people say, not what they do. They SAY they will fix things, and that gets 24/7 coverage. Then they vote on it (very boring CSPAN voting) and no one covers how they actually voted with the same passion and vigor they reported on the rhetoric.

It seems to me that you clearly don’t understand, these people are repressed millionaires. Once the government stops giving browns things meant for them well the sky is the limit.

Yup. The thing that really bugs me about this whole thing is Mick Mulvaney’s bullshit excuse about “we won’t ask you to pay for things like Meals on Wheels and after school” is that:

They like the talking points because they’re almost all dog-whistles about race and even tho they may have nothing in terms of wealth or health, they can hold onto their sense of superiority (which is tied in exclusively to their skin tone) by voting Republican, which is the modern white man’s party and promises that

On the flip, let them slash and fucking burn. Maybe those rubes will wake the fuck up and either a) nominate a brand of conservative that isn’t a lunatic (there still are some out there, I hear), or b) just go Democrat.

I’d love to see any of these asswipes go to work with Pneumonia.