
they probably think, for us women abortion is like a pulling wisdom teeth out.

“let’s add additional trauma to the woman who is going through this procedure” is precisely their goal.

It’s never about “saving” fetuses. It’s always about hurting women.

Gotta tell you, a monarchy may not be such a bad choice, because clearly we across the pond have no idea how to run this thing. I’d gladly take my chances with Baby King over the small handed mental midget sitting in there right now.

Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

It’s used as an excuse to imprison black and brown and poor people to extract cheap labor from them. It’s not about public safety and never was.

Spoiler alert: men assaulting women in the bathroom (anyone assaulting anyone in the bathroom) is already illegal. It has absolutely nothing to do with letting trans people use the bathrooms for their intended purpose (you know, like all humans need to).

I may or may not be high-fiving the screen while wearing my Lady Diana replica ring.

Thanks for the kind words.

We need you around, يا قلبي.....

I became an addict after years of abusing alcohol and drugs (especially opiates) to self medicate for my undiagnosed bipolar disorder. I hit rock bottom more times than I could count, lost my job, ended up in the hospital....getting help was the hardest and best thing I’ve ever done.

You’ve got a whole lot of cheerleaders on here if you want them. Addiction is a bitch and it can help if you have an army to help fight it. I hope you’re ready to seek help soon.

Thanks. I recently got a book deal so I hope that putting my stories out there (I drink to cover up abuse) will help me towards a place of sobriety, or at least reduced harm.

Damn, judgemental much? I don’t know if you think you’re helping but condescending bullshit like this is unwelcome and unhelpful. Get help with your ass hat reactions. Get help soon. Seriously.

I’m literally shaking. There’s either not much there or I’m worried for her safety.

Even though I loathe his films (except Dogma), I hope he can stay sober. I haven’t had a drink since Saturday when I downed an entire bottle of wine and passed out on the floor. Fuck.

So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?

That is a baby tapir and it sneers at this bigoted loser.

Its’s just like MLK said - don’t judge McCrory by the thinness of his skin, but by the content of his press releases.

Sure, if you judge him by the legislation he enacted, he comes across as bigoted.