If I were straight, I’d want my husband to be president king of the world, who is also an astronaut and a talented sorcerer who can bring back the dead and make my laundry do itself.
If I were straight, I’d want my husband to be president king of the world, who is also an astronaut and a talented sorcerer who can bring back the dead and make my laundry do itself.
totally agree. there is plenty of dancing in this video, just not in the conventional way. she is super good in this.
She isn’t embarrassing herself onstage. She has a great time and so does the audience. She is a hilarious and talented comedian. And what makes you think that Amy can’t get married or in a long term relationship if that’s what she wanted and be both a performer and have a loving partner?
This HAS to be a meta-joke.
Went to a hockey game a few weeks ago and they don't let you back to your seat till the gameplay has ended (or whatever the correct sportsballz terminology is).
I haven't seen him murder something that bad since he and Razzle decided to go to the liquor store.
But it was the Alexandrians who were responsible for having a guard at the gate. Had the guard been there, there's no way Gabriel could have left it open.
I was not really disappointed when Nasim left SNL, but good for her.
Rats are highly intelligent, social animals who spend up to 1/3rd of their lives grooming themselves. After humans, they are the most successful species on earth, given that they consume 1/5th of the world's food supply. They're thought of as dirty and vicious usually because of their (human-created) circumstances.…
Of course this isn't a real story until some butthurt mra makes it about male oppression somehow.
Meanwhile people were up in arms about Eva Mendes and her comment on sweat pants...
I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was…
I assume her real name is Virginia Ellisor, because this Facebook page pretty much matches up. Love the Jan 4 2014 post about how Obama isn't really the president, so all his appointments are null and void.
Why is the Congress rolling over and lettin' this Communist dictator destroy my country?
Just a gentle reminder here not to put your criminal activity on Facebook, unless you'd like it to serve as a testament to your absolute and shattering idiocy.
I saw a really solid documentary about post-enforcer life recently called "The Last Gladiators." It mostly focuses on Chris Nilan and his struggles after retiring. I highly recommend it and I think it's still on Netflix.
This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.
The way to combat so many of the problems breeders give dogs is to get mutts from the pound. We've got a dachshund/terrier/traveling salesman/capybara mix that's just a fantastic dog.
Sometimes you gotta hustle, I guess.