Wow, the article that has been updated to remove graphic details is still pretty graphic.
Wow, the article that has been updated to remove graphic details is still pretty graphic.
Yeah, for me it really drives home that this is a teenager who did it. And it makes me wonder what else was going on in the house—why the adults but not the kids?
2pac was the person to most famously go over this distinction in an interview. My impression is that black people should feel free to say whatever they want since the word is about them, but white people should say neither because it immediately changes the context.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Dr. Ruth is a national treasure.
I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.
This is child trafficking, pure and simple. Just because the sleazeball wants to play the martyr doesn't change the fact that he gave away children to a pervert.
Be that as it may, you do not, under any circumstances give away children who are under your care to random people.
Holy shit!!!! Did they miss any shifts?
If I wasn't pressed for time and the woman putting up the notice was nearby, I'd probably do it too. You'd feel good the rest of the day for helping out a stranger.
Given that they made a romcom about that guy who promised half of his lottery ticket's winnings as a tip for a waitress (before learning he won the jackpot), they could romcom damn near anything.
"He shoveled her snow...and straight into her heart"
Yeah, we're all having elephant burgers tonight thanks to Ted Nugent's brave hunting party. You realize that most food we eat is domesticated livestock? I'm surprised you have an internet connection so far up your own ass.
If I had Michael Jackson money, I'd buy 2 elephants, a shitload of land for them to chill out on, and we'd all be best buds and go on adventures until we died of old age.
Anyone who would kill an elephant for 'sport' needs the absolute shit beaten out of them.
Some parts on old firearms, including sight beads on shotguns and handles on revolvers, were made of ivory; the inter-state ban on ivory sales took away much of those weapons' resale value. "This is another attempt by this anti-gun Administration to ban firearms based on cosmetics and would render many…
If you want to help out an elephant, or a rhino, here is a good place to start-
I love Weird Al. I'm a Weird Al fan. Ever since I was a kid in the 80's and Like a Surgeon came out. To this day it still makes me cackle.
So are conservative gun nuts.