she has her billion dollar company to fall back on
she has her billion dollar company to fall back on
She can't act, so it's good she has that to fall back on.
Correction: Chris Kyle gave his life at a shooting range. But, you know, don't let that stop your Twitter rage.
Santorum spoke at the event. The same Santorum whose wife had a non-abortion abortion at 20 weeks because of complications. IOKIYAR.
In a right-thinking world, David Bowie is EVERYONE'S David Bowie because...David Bowie.
So glad there wasn't video in that story...
I think you have to stop looking at it from that perspective, and define justice more broadly than just "making someone pay". Especially when it comes to crimes that were committed in the past. Justice comes from bringing these stories to light, uncovering the truth and giving the dead names.
"We shall come over."
Over 3000 native kids in Canada never came home from residential schools. Most of them had loving parents who never found out what happened to their kids.
Man. Stories like this are why it always gets me when people say things like, "Society is going downhill! People are so TERRIBLE to each other nowadays! What happened to the good old days?" There were no "good old days." Not ever. People have always just been awful, and it was easier to hide it.
I would like anti-gay groups to recuse themselves from the world in general. Do I get a say?
Thank Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Zarathrustra, alcoholism, Rohyphol, whoever, because I know I've had sex with at least a couple of sketched out motherfuckers I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire, but I do not remember them. As in DO. NOT. REMEMBER.
Ya know what, if I had a son who distributed a compromising picture of a classmate, I would be livid. EVEN WITHOUT the rape. EVEN WITHOUT the resulting suicide. I would be so godamned pissed. What kind of person thinks they can just shrug off their child behaving this way???
I was insecure in high school and managed not to bully anyone. Being insecure is not an excuse. Especially since the guy is now am adult and he still denies that distributing the photo was bullying at all. His actions resulted in a death and he's learned nothing.
Ugh. Yes. Once your kid rapes a drunk girl who is puking AND RECORDS IT he is no longer a good kid.
So this is funny. Every year my husband, who is a Dj, hosts and DJ's a food drive for our local women's shelter. Two or so years ago we were going to focus on women's hygiene products (tampons, pads, deodorant) and made a flyer that we caught flack for from a few women (via Facebook, of course) saying that doing a…
I met the Johnson family when they were my service customers at the BMW dealer where I worked. Jack Jr seemed like a really nice, easygoing guy, just the opposite of how you'd expect a professional athlete/Olympian to act. His parents, on the other hand, acted like the worst kind of self-entitled jerks. His mother's…
So let me see if I understand this correctly.
Oh please. If someone handed me even $10,000 when I was 21 there was no way I would have managed it correctly. And probably the first thing I would have done would have asked my dad "What would be the smart thing to do with this?" I think that in Hockey and Baseball and to a lesser extent Football we tend to forget…