I also hate tall cats.
I also hate tall cats.
On the rare occasions I had to play goalie, I would always try to be like Hasek and flop everywhere. Usually way too early, and they'd calmly roof it over my prone body. I wasn't asked to be goalie very often.
I'm partially surprised yet extremely happy that the fat jokes seem to have been kept to a minimum. She's a great actress and deserves better than lazy ass fat jokes.
So much of this reaction is people filtering what they see through their own lens it drives me crazy! As an American who has extensive experience living and working in oppressive, dictatorial countries I though Cho's bit was hilarious because I saw her expressing a level of free speech that so many of her people…
She was making fun of an evil dictatorship that has put the North Korean people, her people, through unimaginable pain and suffering. And do you know why she played it like that? Because SHE CAN. Because she's here. Anyone over there who pisses off the government is sent to camps and sentenced to years of forced…
Little known fact, but Andre Rison met Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes on matches.com
i told u I wanna check u out make sure i like the goods
There are two wonderful things happening here in this story:
Q: How many cops does it take to kick a poor person down the stairs?
A: He fell.
It's more than his voice... he's improvising AS Peter, which is amazing to me. The guy knows the character so well he can BE that character in the moment. He's quick on his feet and genuinely funny. That's real talent and he should be doing this for a living. Life's too short to be a "nobody in a boring job."
I am 100% certain that it is exactly that easy to find work as a voice actor.
"How's Meg?
The picture above, via ABC 7's Ben Bradley, depicts some shit currently going down at Union Station in Chicago.
I worked at the Virgin Megastore in the 90's when he released his book and did an in-store and he was actually very polite and kind to everyone. Like, he was only supposed to sign like fifty books, but he made sure that he stayed several hours past his scheduled time so that every single fan that showed up got to see…
When I read Whitlock's anti-rap diatribes then see him use rap greats for comparison, it feels like he's struggling to balance his identity as a black man and as a journalist. I feel him fighting to carry the weight of racism that this country's history has put on him. The duality of black consciousness constantly…
Eisen... damn. Maybe it's the dreary morning, but I'll say this: may all of us have friends who mean so much to speak so poignantly after we depart.