
Did she really just tell Laverne Cox that she needs to know what racism "really is?" Yeah, Laverne Cox has totally no idea about "real racism." Yes, Whoopi. Laverne has never experienced oppression. Totally. And it sounds too close to wishing it upon her too =/

Whoopi is such an asshole.

My sister was a contestant on Jeopardy! this year. I sat through an entire day's worth of taping - five shows - and she was in the final show of the day (she lost to superstar Julia Collins). Alex does not interact with the contestants before the shows or after - it's just too many people! However, during taping

Normally, I disagree with you and your lists, but this is a good one and FUCK CHESTNUTS. Because fuck them, that's why. I was all "ooh chestnuts, let's do that" for some recipe or other a few years back and then I got halfway through the prep of JUST the fucking goddamned chestnuts and FUCK THAT. I think I had to

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.


My dog reacts this way to black suvs, nativity scene lawn christmas decorations, joggers, anyone walking behind me, and bicycle riders. Today we walked by a house with about 5 huge chickens in their backyard, he had no idea how to react.

A) This is ridiculously adorable.

Looking forward to Goodell appearing on Celebrity Jeopardy and being unable to phrase his responses in the form of a question and changing his Final Jeopardy wager after the fact.

I just wanna say it's my birthday today. And Mr. Fangs and I are drinking mimosas and drunk-karaoke-ing Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game".

The owners are as cute as the dog. That's a serious accomplishment!

The guys who bullied me for being practically untouchable (in the bad way) in middle and high school now fall over themselves to try and take me out. Sometimes karma isn't a bitch, but I gotta say, it is fun to smile incredulously at them, and laugh in their dumb faces.

I've been through the exact same situation. I was an outcast in school and didn't have that many friends, only other outcasts, who wouldn't bother sticking up for me and sometimes would betray me. At least 100 people in my year took the piss out of my clothes on non-uniform days, spread rumours about me, called me

BRB fangirling and have to step away from all the sexy.

"Quit saying bad things about me that are true!" said Aaron Sorkin as he shoved his hands deeply in his pockets, put his head down to his chest and kicked the nearest rock.

*shudders at NSFL videos of animals being skinned alive*

Dogs too, often labeled at faux. Because it cheaper......

I have some train jumper friends that do this too. In fact, I'm sure that its fairly common in the crust punk community in general.

Whenever I hear the Robin's first note I think about walking onto a dance floor.