I'm so glad to see so many awesome people out there. :-)
I just asked my 13 year old how he feels about this ad. His answer-"I live in LA, I have enough fake friends".
This show is so horrible. I can't stop watching it! I'm addicted to RHONJ. Everyone should watch the Giudices' interview after they received their prison sentences. Teresa doesn't know words.
If it is her, I am glad that she has been found, though saddened at her death. As an atheist I cannot pray for her to have a wonderful afterlife, but may she fertilize the most beautiful flowers.
this is NOT punk rock
I've shared this story before, but it fits in well here, too.
"I heard it was going to be a total reboot, and that it would have nothing to do with the other two movies," he said. "If it has nothing to do with the other two movies, and it's all female, then why are you calling it Ghostbusters?
Honestly, I was fairly ambivalent about Malala until I saw her on the Daily Show. (I just figured she was a regular girl being trotted around for propagandist purposes).
About 15 years ago a man broke into my childhood home and attacked my mother. As soon as he grabbed her, my super sweet lab mix (who normally never even barked, let alone growled) went crazy on this guy and sunk her teeth through his leg. My mom called the police and he limped off - taking my dog with him. When the…
As a lady who lives alone, this is seriously my nightmare scenario. I only hope my dog helps out. You sound way more composed than I could imagine being.
Luckily for John, he'll always consider himself part of The Amazing Race.
"...as I strangle you with it" is the end of that sentence.
And the scarf I will make out of YOU will match MY eyes! Win win!
Nah, you can have immense respect for the work defense lawyers do and understand why zealous defense is crucial to the functioning of our legal system and still scoff at hack lawyers pushing out slut-shaming press releases for public relations purposes.
Am I the only one more than a little excited about Sinead O'Connor's new book? I love her totally and for bonus points, she has no filter or give-a-shit-a-metre so I think it's gonna be a great ride.