
My dog escaped the yard last week. I chased him all over the block, with no shoes. He wouldn't come until I came out with a package of salami.

I'm convinced my dogs think their name is the sound of the cheese drawer opening and the bag rustling. I can yell "spunkie" all day and get noting but if the fridge opens they're there stat.

The "Redskin" term itself I understand can sound offensive to people.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

I rewatch Will and Grace all the time, and I really wish Will would come rescue her out of that awful-looking show.

I went to Iceland a couple years ago on a solo trip and I basically had to be forced out of the country. I DID NOT want to leave. It was so gorgeous and the food was amazing and everyone was so stinking nice and of all the places I've visited, THEY HAD THE LARGEST TUBS OF NUTELLA I'D EVER SEEN.

22 year olds shouldn't have full sleeves. Where the fuck do you find that kind of money at that age?

will the puppybowl become our new sport? i hope so.

Folks, suicide threats from abusers are also abuse. It's a manipulative tactic, whether intentional or not. If you are in this position, or are witnessing someone in this position, call 911 and tell them you have a suicide threat on your hands.

"Why are women so afraid to say "no" and instead lie to get out of a situation as quickly as possible?"

Er, did you see what happened when they actually said no?

If you're disciplining a one year old, you aren't even fucking trying to parent.

ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.

Wow,that was straight from the heart...and bold. Kudos to Carter for taking a brave stance on the subject.

Except that the dog was trained to act that way, the cat is naturally an asshole.

Are you joking? She was crucified in the public eye when she brought out the truth of what Mike Tyson did to her. This is what she does and she's done it for a long time. Google is your friend.


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."

Think what you want about Olbermann and his politics, no one makes "Sir" sound more like "Dickhead."