
you guys, we don;t know the whole situation between him and the fire hydrant. let's wait for the facts to come in, ok?

Was going to make an Alex Burrows joke, but not sure of the depth of NHL knowledge of a basic Deadspin reader.

It's a shame the family aren't San Jose fans, since Copper's a natural at rolling over.

2 minutes for ruffing.

Edmonton has already offered Taylor Hall and $6 million cash for that portrait.

Talk about a great head shot

"I never made a hole-in-one, but I did hit a guy, and that's way more satisfying. You're supposed to yell "FORE!" but I was too busy muttering "There's no way that's gonna hit that guy"

I totally hate-watched The Today Show this morning but this segment had me floored. As I said on Twitter, if only all their segments were as good as this. I bawled the moment she broke down trying to do a bumper for this piece. Really, really great stuff here.

These made my night. I have been depressed over the Ferguson, Mo. situation (I live 20minutes from there, and I needed a little humor.

Yessssss! The free rock pile in/on/around the driveway totally bones me!

Feminists are quite bright and are capable of doing both.

Yet they have no problems NOT convicting rapists already on campus as they rape more women right?

See: Ray Rice.

Not as good a resemblance as this:

his whole town supports him. That town is the most worthless and vile town in all of america

I watched this shitstorm on Twitter. (She's fearless when confronted with shit like this, btw.) Guys. SHE NEVER SAID 'I WANT FREE TAMPONS.' She only asked if people knew about any programs in other countries. Just asking that simple question provoked people to call her a cunt. Also, I highly recommend following

Robo cop is the most sane and balanced individual here at least he presents himself on a forum as such.

Why doesn't Jezebel just ban users like this? They totally derail the discussion. Just look how this asshole has taken over the whole comment thread.

You know what would make us happy? If jerky, rapey assholes would stop raping so we wouldn't have this conversation in the first place.