
And now Trump can say, somewhat truthfully: “My taxes are out there. And look! There’s nothing there!” While overlooking the fact that the first two pages of his taxes tell very little. If anything I think this whole thing will be counterproductive as a sizable percent of the population will believe that Trumps taxes

I’m still making my way through this, but I call red herring!

This looks pretty good. Too bad Scarlett Johansson is in it. I felt like she stole Thora Birch’s thunder in Ghost World and I will never forgive her.

This exactly. I haven’t actually listened to him (like actual sound bites and speeches) since the election. Everything he says is thoroughly covered and reading his words is bad enough, but the sound of his voice makes me 10x angrier and that only hurts me. Fuck that. He’s running a sleight of hand game with his mouth

Maddow says treat him like a silent movie. Focus less on what he says, and more on what he’s doing.

Shocker, right? At least, we try to but are often deterred by a) Jerky comments about our fat bodies and how they move differently b) slightly less jerky, if not well-intentioned, comments about our fat bodies/the fact that we are exercising that imply the only possible reason we would be doing it is to lose weight/it

Am I the only one who thinks that the comments about her feet on the sofa are silly? Call em out constantly, but make sure that there is something behind it. Otherwise it just dilutes our real complaints.

 but I think - and hope - they’ll go, “Lol, you thought we were bad BEFORE?” instead.

I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?

To be fair, maybe this means CNN, Politico, and the Times will—pardon my vernacular—stop sucking off this administration and actually do real, unashamed reporting on it. They may have been denied access, but they still exist as organizations and can still do their jobs.

I think that looking at it for an hour of work isn’t right, though. She may be performing for an hour, but the work that it takes to create that hour of comedy gold counts as many more hours of unpaid work. Writing, rehearsing, promoting, those things don’t pay on their own, and they take a ton of time. Say she makes

It’s not good for you to be miserable and really not good for your kid to see you miserable, unloved, or treated badly. I stayed for 10 years for my kid. I really wish I had left sooner because she is so much happier with us apart and she was really damaged by the dysfunction she lived in. Best of luck to you.

The difference is: being funny.

That’s a problem. The whole right side of America’s face think now that protesters are stupid, confused, lazy, unemployed bums or they are paid by George Soros (which someone please tell me why I should be scared of George Soros? Hes like the Shadowman.

I love it.

Once again, the Freedoms of Speech and Association (gathering in protest) are protections against government actors. They do not protect you from your job firing you for dumbass opinions or having a counter protestor Stinger Splash your ass because your flag, that represents a bunch of racist traitors, pisses him off.

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Since Craig Ferguson is no longer on late night I won’t have to fight you on that.

I couldn’t believe how much Maher was kissing Milo’s ass. Cements the idea i’ve always had that Maher is a star-fucker and that over rides his morals. He doesn’t mind that right wingers have power, and their horrible ideas are/will hurt people. As long as they’ll come on his show and the money keeps coming in.