
For real, the flying bugs, giant lumbering creatures, the spiders—and their cinematic versions—were so much better than this sum of all fears, hallucinatory aspect. I mean, it started off promising with Mrs. Carmody's face half-eaten off, but then where the heck is the thing that did that now? Instead, we get the

For real—this show is way more entertaining and bad in all the right ways than…. Fear the Walking Dead, for example

Aside from Nathalie Raven's now-crushed spider spawning the other ones, which is hopefully a premonition of some kinda spider presence (one of my favorite sequences in the film version, really), I feel like the show misses big-time, and dilutes the horror, by making the Mist some catch-all, kitchen-sink horror

Yeah, i can't stop thinking of that. It even surpassed some of the beautiful desert compositions of BCS, and those have been plentiful. I've passed thru Alburquerque all of twice in my lifetime, but feel iike being the ultimate cornball the next time I have the luck to spend some time there and visiting the sites. I

next spinoff is just 47 minutes a week of Mike back in the tollbooth, fixing random appliances on the side for regular parkers, filmed in real-time like the gas cap sequence

yeah, i hope she's emerges relatively unscathed. Reviewer mentioned above her "Hand me a bill/I'm now your counsel" maneuver, and i couldn't help but smile how Jimmy later busted the same trick as Saul the night Jesse and Walt blindfolded him in the desert.

good point…jeez, somehow i misread it, and thought it was only 3 movies. Okay, it's 19 hours of blue people, people.

I honestly think this is the most misguided/wrongheaded step any director of Cameron's stature could make. Aliens was a masterpiece, the Terminators were classics, and even the stuff that's not my cup of tea (Titanic) i acknowledge as great pop filmmaking craft. But those goddamn blue people. Even despite the cliched

Love that this comment thread is a big hot steaming bowl of Chapo Adoration. #DRYBOYS #GREYWOLVES4LIFE

This is a huge shit sandwich and it's up to you if you take a bite. This will make The Thing remake look good.

good points all…But I particularly cosign the ill-advised and absolutely cringeworthy expansion into foodie-ism by AvClub; "chefs are the new rock stars" makes me want to punch someone's head clean off. Stick to film, music, TV, lit, fer chrissakes.

It's absolutely fantastic, saw it yesterday. Easily/arguably his best and one of the best films I've seen in the last few years. The only thing off about this insightful review is the tired insistence on the -minus. Give it a damn A+, after all that praise.

Great pic accompanying the story, with Matted Nick holding the pill bottle. As OK as Frank Dillane is, they should fire him and just cast Dave Chappelle as Tyrone Biggums, turn the show into a comedy. It's obviously beyond their means to keep this a compelling drama.

Yes, yes, and more yes! I can't think of a more viscerally honest and incredible artist that has put out incredible record after record so consistently for the last two decades. If Portishead put out 4 more albums as good as the three they did, they would come close. Unlucky that I only saw her the once, recently, for

To be spared another Kanye "masterpiece" would be a priceless boon, surely better than sustenance itself.

Forgot that Bruce Campbell was a reporter in The Hudsucker Proxy. But Sam Raimi and Coens have been boys forever, figured Campbell might've been used by the latter at some point.