Filbert Almond

You sure are confident in yourself!
All that is needed to disprove you is for me to provide examples of prominent Mras that are not white men. will you look them up?
Sen. Ann Cools: the first person of color appointed to the Canadian senate, opened the first shelter for abused women in Canada, prominent mra.

I would love to, thank you for asking!
(And I don't mean this to be rude, but your question itself reveals that, while you may know those names, you are not familiar with their work. I'm curious if your source is wehuntedthemamoth formerly manboobs?)
The essential premise in Farrel's theory is that, historically, men

Okay, so you are evaluating the philosophical basis of a small/new social phenomenon, based off of a handful of Internet comments you've seen?
Would it seem reasonable or accurate if I judged all of feminism, based on the comments left on articles critical of feminism? Would I be able to accurately speak about how

I'm curious what you are basing this on? Conversations with an individual mra somewhere?

Return of kings is emphatically NOT affiliated with the Men's Rights Movement. They are more in the vein pick up artists..a totally different thing~ and have actively spoken against men's rights activists~ seeing them as pussies.