
Both springback and crumpling problems are the result of faster work hardening in stainless steel relative to carbon steel. The crumple zone thing is just a math problem. You can certainly account for decreased plastic energy dissipation in the structural design. But if boy wonder already had a product launch before

It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing. 

For those who haven’t got the time or inclination to click 50 times and want to jump to a specific film, why can’t you add a list on the home page of this article?

Han didn’t shoot first. He shot only. More grisly - the bounty hunter was to deliver Han alive and shooting Han would risk getting on Jabba’s bad side and, let’s face it, all of Jabba was bad side. 

Don’t forget he’s also a scruffy nerf herder.

There is no debate.

In Pulp Fiction, what’s in the suitcase?

(And the declining quality of experiences so far hasn’t hurt the business — in a way making it something like the airline industry.)

Wow, comparing a trip to Disney World/Land to flying commercial. Tempting!

Disney’s next CEO... Conan O’Brien!

Chapek drew a lot of criticism for his handling of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. He also shut down what were considered complementary services at Walt Disney World, like the Magical Express and free MagicBands. I can’t say how much of this is valid, but people associate Chapek with rising prices and declining quality

you’ll need to turn off the water to the toilet, usually either from outside the house or from the basement shutoff.”

So thankful this wasn’t a slide-show 🙏

a big part of this too is that the techniques and technology required to properly map the world simply did not exist 100 years ago. cartographers were drawing maps based on information gathered by hearsay or viewed from the ground with insufficient tools. “Is that large open area off in the distance a frozen lake or

“Don’t be a dick or an idiot in a hardware store”

Got it.

I feel like Peter Cushing in Rogue One shouldn’t really count. He didn’t appear in that movie, a computer model that looked like him appeared while a sound-alike actor did the words. It’s not the same as the rest of the list, where an actor died between filming and release. Carrie Fisher in The Rise of Skywalker is a

Bless you. I despise these short-term videos.

Built in electronics (like in-wall TVs)

To save everyone 2 1/2 minutes of your time:

My favorite tip is to stop washing your windows. Dirty windows are more visible to birds!