
While I admire them trying to ‘encourage’ anti-vaxxers, I think it completely misunderstands their position... they aren’t anti-vax, they are anti-science. You can tell them whatever you want, but if it doesn’t come out of the mouth of Carlson or Trump, they will immediately distrust it.

Plus, not everyone who isn’t vaccinated is a far-right lunatic or anti-vaxxer.

This is a post about an American agency giving guidance for Americans. You can just be happy you have a reasonable and consistent government, cuz we sure as hell don’t.

You can still pass the virus even if you’re vaccinated and there are people besides anti-vaxxers that are at risk, such as those who are immunocompromised. 

Let’s be real, the CDC is hoping that unvaccinated people will start wearing masks now because everyone stopped wearing them when they said vaccinated people could stop wearing masks. THAT is where the real community transmission is coming from, not vaccinated people. Problem is, the cat is out of the bag and the

I never stopped wearing one anyway. Honestly, this thing is never going to go away unless a lot more people get vaccinated. Period.

I’m impressed, because I didn’t think it was possible for them to outdo themselves when it comes to guidance that’s completely unhelpful.  No one is going to check transmission rates before they leave the house.  

The morons who thought getting rid of the mask mandate would ENCOURAGE people to go get the vaccine instead of just lying their ass off about having got the vaccine NOW think people are going to listen to them and start wearing masks again???

That’s a hell of a lot of synthetic waste that goes into landfill — even if it makes a pit stop en route via donation to an animal shelter or what have you.

One to two years? Yikes! How about one to two decades?

The life hack is to actually get vaccinated. Why would you write and publish such shit advice?

I’ve been vaxxed for months but I clicked on this just to see the REEEEEEing in the comments.

You have my vote for the worst Lifehacker article ever. It deserves a “Don’t try this at home!” warning. Should come with a Darwin Award.

I was really hoping when I saw the headline that the article was “Don’t. Stay home until you get the shot. No one worth spending time with wants to date an unvaccinated person.”

The FUCK is this bullshit?

Why are we encouraging these people to date and procreate? Let them stay home and not spread their bullshit and disease.

Step 1: Get the vaccine, you selfish uninformed fuck!  The number of people who can’t get the vaccine due to legitimate health reasons is rather small and they are depending on everyone else to do their fucking part.

How to Start Dating Again If You’re Unvaccinated

You can’t fix stupid!” would be a great name for a dating site for unvaccinated people.

Or just get vaccinated? Why are you running advice that supports reckless and selfish behavior?