
Your link is to the side. Why did you lie?

This.... did not need to be a seven minute video. It’s like half of this was explaining how zip ties work.

Interesting article right up until the left turn into whining about the US military <gasp> killing terrorists. Oh, horrors...

Anyone else surprised that China’s air isn’t flammable?

When are you putting the money in? The benefit of an HSA is that it can be taken out of your pre-tax paycheck by your employer and directly deposited into the HSA. If you’re depositing anything into your HSA manually, using your post-tax money, that negates any benefit of it (assuming I’m understanding what you’re

Usually I want to leave a bank because they are screwing me.

my mom is a cookie person. have you met cookie people? they are INSANE about decorating. if i’m visiting and she asks me to go to Michael’s or a bakery or anywhere that there is cookie decorating related paraphernalia i make sure i bring like, the icewind dale trilogy with me. she would do this and make something like

this sounds like a ton of work over sprinklin whole razberris right out of the bag (smashing optional)

I have accounts at three different banks. I don’t think my wife is going to like me following this analogy too far.

“Whats with all these leaks!”

I think it’s becoming more and more clear that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election in return for him lifting sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine (and whatever else they do in the future).

That’s not how you Republican.

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

Guys, I’m freaking the fuck out. Something is deeply, deeply wrong here. For the end purpose of what, I don’t know. I’m assuming now everyone is compromised and that includes comey.

Did anyone else have to remind themselves today that it hasn’t even been a month of a Trump presidency? We’ve had the saddest circus act ever going strong for LESS than thirty days! There is no way he makes four years, right?

Sounds like you’d be a lot better choice for national security than the people pointing their unsecured phone cameras at sensitive documents in the middle of discussing an international crisis in the middle of a golf club restaurant while people take pictures for their Facebooks.

I feel like this should be tagged “#ButHerEmails” and “#ItsNotIllegalWhenGOPDoesIt”

How disgusting is it that the President of the United States is trying to pull off this long discredited Dale Carnegie bullshit on other actual world leaders?

This is so deliciously good.

I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.