
Originally, the dip in the top tube was so women could peddle while wearing a dress or skirt.

We flew to Hawaii recently and saw another family completely game gate-checkin. The person working the gate (the gate keeper?) came on the intercom and said the plane was full, yada, yada, free gate-check your carry-ons. At that point, a family of four, each carrying two full-sized bags walked up and gate-checked all

It has begun

There is not yet a 5G standard, but FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler expects the next-gen wireless network to be 10 to 100 times faster than current technologies.

Because if @PedalHead witnesses a slashing at a Walmart, that implies every Walmart has a slashing every time @PedalHead visits?

Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Did you really recommend orchids and bamboo?
Great, one plant that won’t live and one plant that won’t die. :-P

Great idea!
You go first.

Much better than the yellow snow method!

This works on kids too. Our youngest used to be a bear to wake up in the morning. Now we unleash the dog on her and she’s so happy to pop out of bed.

You don’t need the ribbon to make a bookmark. In fact, I use the paper clip on the side of the page (instead of the top) so it points at the exact line where I stopped reading.

My co-worker washes his keyboard in the dishwasher twice a year. He covers the USB plug just to be safe (and it’s not dirty anyway). Don’t heat-dry but make sure it’s thoroughly dry before plugging it back in. I think he leaves it over the weekend to dry out.

Now I know what to get my wife for Christmas!

I prefer PlayerPro over Poweramp because the Poweramp interface has a lot of little features (dials, sliders, etc.) that are just about impossible to hit without slowing down are carefully selecting the UI element. For me, the PlayerPro interface was cleaner and easier to use especially in a car.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! iTunes is the #1 reason I LEFT the iOS walled garden.

Really? Nobody is going to mention that brussels sprouts are nasty and the idea of brussels sprouts as a snack item is the first sign of the apocalypse?

  • $15-$20
  • $15-$20

Apple Music is a bit of a hard to use, baffling, and poorly designed service, but it’s still a popular one.

When I was a kid, I’d tell my sister to not use a certain screwdriver because it was left-handed. Usually it was whichever screwdriver she picked up first. I had her convinced screwdrivers had handedness until her college roommate exposed the ruse.

Also worth mentioning if you run over a blue reflector with your driver-side wheels it’s 1 point and if you do it with the passenger-side wheels it’s 3 points!