
I’ve tried Tasker but I still prefer AutomateIt. The learning curve isn’t nearly as steep. If you want to do simple tasks, it’s free. More complicated things require the ‘pro’ version.

Says the person with the first response. Sure “get in line behind my response, it’s no big deal.” I bet you’d be singing a different tune if your response was twelfth!

I use Google Now for other things (mostly sports scores and top news items) but I find its weather features slow, cumbersome and lacking (to many refreshes, stupid little slider, no radar). But that’s my $0.02. Obviously there are quite a few people who disagree with me and judging by the number of weather app

“Google, what will the temperature be from 6:00-9:00 at [location] with precipitation percentage and windspeed all in one simple screen?”

Did she say she cut the paper down to the right size?!? No, no, no. You kind’a sort’a measure it. You know, put the box on it, slide it around, ya that’ll do. Cut it, then wrap the paper around and find it’s not long enough. Cut off more paper and tape it to the piece you already cut. THEN you wrap it and find it’s

During the Black Friday 30% off deal, I was able to use the discount on a book set. So give it a try and you may be able to save 25% on 2, 3, 5, 12 books.

During the Black Friday 30% off deal, I was able to use the discount on a book set. So give it a try and you may be

Wait a second. Did they grind Cinnamon Toast Crunch over toast? Why not just go with cinnamon sugar and assume the toast will provide enough toast for the toast part?

For me, the death knell was when I installed some freeware on my machine and it changed my homepage and default search engine across 3 browsers to Yahoo. When you resort to malware tactics to increase your user base, you’re done.

  • For those of you who pay in dollars instead of percents:
  • For those of you who pay in dollars instead of percents:

That’s what weekends are for.

This will be useful for people always losing their currently.

Sounds like you need meth. :-P

For Android users, I would recommend something like Car Dock Home v3. It’s an alternative car-based launcher. Basically, instead of sifting through all the apps you don’t need while you’re driving, you can just show driving-specific apps and you can make the icons huge. To give you an idea, my normal app drawer is a

Apparel? :-P

Apparel? :-P

I wonder if MS differentiates between a bonus and a promotion. I’m way over my 15GB limit but with “bonus” space, it hasn’t been a problem. If I lose all of that space, I’ll have to go back to backing up between Box and Flickr.

That’s my point.
For Google...
1. pull down notification (if it’s even there)
2. click on weather notification
3. wait
4. click on weather card
5. wait
6. use my big thumb to drag the little notification slider to the appropriate spot
For Weather Underground...
1. start app
2. wait
3. tap ‘Hour’
Then with Google I only see the

The last time we were in Orlando, we saw a family with a grandmother in a wheelchair. The whole family jumped to the front of the line since they had a handicapped person in their party. Later in the day we saw the exact same family but mom was in the wheelchair, not grandma.

No Wi-Fi?!? /s

No Wi-Fi?!? /s

I’ve had the TSA confiscate 3 Micras. You think I’d learn but it is such a part of my everyday “wardrobe” (eg. keys, wallet) that I don’t even think of it as a weapon until the TSA starts hassling me.

I feel like Adam just had an iPhonegasm and maybe I should wash my hands before leaving.