
Try contacting Amazon about your order. I’ve emailed them on several occasions saying “hey I bought this last week for $x.xx and this week with coupon code ‘abcd’ it’s $y.yy cheaper. May I please be credited the difference?” A huge majority of the time the next email I receive says “$y.yy will be credited to your

Try contacting Amazon about your order. I’ve emailed them on several occasions saying “hey I bought this last week

I agree! If there’s no agenda I’ll decline the meeting saying “I don’t know that I can contribute to the meeting considering there’s no agenda. Please update the invite with an agenda and I’ll gladly attend if appropriate.” Half the time they never update the invite and I get out of a meeting.

Pleeeeease add web page authentication so I can use it in a hotel room without the workarounds that require I tote extra hardware with me.

done nothing to improve the safety of their employees

I would totally jump on this IF they supported surge suppressors. The idea of a plugging a line from the wall to the computer w/o surge protection gives me the willies.

I would totally jump on this IF they supported surge suppressors. The idea of a plugging a line from the wall to the

Agreed. The Oregon Coastal Range (of mountains, of freak’n mountains) makes “everything west of I-5” sounds like hyperbole and calls into question the rest of the article.

I like the “new today” section!

I like the “new today” section!

I had an iPhone 3G and iTunes was THE reason I left. What a holy fustercluck! I know it’s changed a lot since then but I learned an open platform is way more flexible and to my liking than Apple’s walled garden, propriety software/hardware and price premium (aka “ignorance tax”).

The thing that drives me nuts about Material is the ‘new’ button in the lower-right corner while everything, EVERYTHING!, else is at the top. It took me a while to learn to look down there. I kept scanning back and forth along the top looking for a new button. Is it in the menu? Nope. This menu? Nope. Oh there it is

How long can home made Sorbet last in the freezer?

It was 1997. I remember a bruouhaha about him being 18 because he had no problem reserving the car but a few weeks later when we went to the rental place, they refused to rent him the car because they had changed policies and he was now too young. So we really put up a stink, scared a few customers out of the place

People abuse rental cars? In college a good friend was driving home for a friend’s wedding. This was back when you only needed to be 18 to rent a car. He rented a Pontiac Grand Am (maybe it was the Grand Prix). In three days, we drove it 2500 miles, went off-roading through the hills, went “mudd’n” down by the river,

What is it with Jettas and the water pump?!? In high school and college I drove a Jetta and went through 3 pumps.

I don’t understand this logic:

There’s no monthly fee... simply pay a monthly fee

I do something similar but I use a file on my computer. (Ya, so hip, so modern.) Another advantage is that when you need to write your review at the end of the year you have a big long list of successful projects to pull from.

Man up! Coat your face in mud or maybe kill a woodland creature and protect your skin with its blood.

Slow is better than what I’m getting:

I can’t even fathom where the other 20% are occuring.