
LOL Dodgers

On pre-4.2 phones I found 'Notification Toggle' to be really useful. Just like it sounds, it provides loads of system level toggles (and app links) in the notification pull-down. Tons of customization options too.

If you have a NFC tag to turn the ringer off do you need another NFC tag to turn it back on or can you set it up so the ringer turns back on when removed from the NFC Tag?

I checked... and you're right. (Am I allowed to admit I was wrong on the internet?) Also, I agree with you about using your phone number. I was at Dick's last week and they offered some sort of something if I used my rewards card. I asked "I don't have a card on me, what about my phone number?" Yep, it was on

Target doesn't accept phone numbers.

OMG, is this where the apple slicer AND Ebelskiver pan owners line up?

Count me in for two... the apple slicer and the Ebelskiver pan. And damn I really want the toast tongs.

That's about how often I remember to check the mail. Works for me.


I already had Camera ZOOM FX so I just installed that. Of course, I've never counted how many pixels it doles out but it's enough to keep the kids happy.

It feels like Simple Calendar Widget should be part of the standard Android distro. Is there anything better?

Is that what I said? No. But that's how you interpreted it. Interesting.

Some people are vain, some people aren't.

As an added bonus, you don't have to install iTunes. It's like getting a free 1GB memory upgrade on your laptop/desktop!

well done. :-)

Anybody know how to get Win8 to stop appending "Shortcut" to every shortcut? In XP it was a checkbox buried deep in a UI settings screen. In Win7 I think it required a reg hack. Win8? No luck. And the Win7 reg hack doesn't work either. Anybody? Please?

Apple is working on it's o[w]n kind of Google Street View

I used this just the other day as a last resort after not having much luck with BetterBatteryStats. WLD showed Google Maps was causing all sorts of problems. Ends up I had 'Location reporting' enabled in Google Maps. I turned that off and the screen hasn't mysteriously popped on since and the battery life is sooo

Where are the widgets? :-D

You mean nearly 100 years ago? How do you think he would do now?