
Damn it. Now that I know you're pregnant I can't pick on you any more. :-)

Thumbnails for audio files? Now that, I've got to see!

It's called cut-and-paste. Doesn't take much work really.

Not to mention NOTHING about the $0.25 deal for Quell Reflect nor the $0.49 deal for the following:

Depends who you ask.

Google Play Puts Your Entertainment Media Everywhere, No Syncing Required

I second.

So do you go with 25 on / 20 off or is it about keeping the 30 minutes intact... 10 on / 20 off? :)

Honestly, I log everything in Google Docs. I used to use specific apps to log certain activities - reading, exercise, car maintenance, etc. But if your phone goes belly up the data is gone. If you switch phones then you're in the business of exporting propriety dbs, moving the data between phones, importing. Yuck.

Sonar?!? 1/2 the fun of running around in the pitch black sunless existence is crashing into your friends. "Ha, ha, ha that was fun! Let's do it again and see if we can get concussions." Those were the good 'ol days.

I installed Windows Live Mesh on my parents' computers and logged-in with the same account on all the machines. Each machine uses Cobian to create archives into sync'd directories. My machine is backing up their machines (plus my wife's machine). My dad's machine is backing up my machine. Off-site backup, no

You need a lighter grip on your crayons.


I have a US bank and my PIN was assigned as well.

That's why I switched to ObjectDock.

Difficult argument to make in this context considering the first annoyance requires iPhone users to jailbreak, the second annoyance used iTunes as an example of gouging and the third annoyance was basically "Apple lock-in, Apple lock-in, Apple lock-in".

I like! Simple and not convoluted. Personally I prefer icons over text just because I think they're easier to see at a glance. But this is one snazzy, clean interface.

If you can get a hold of MiniDV cassette cases, you're basically done. They're perfect for phones that don't have ports on the bottom.

The law in question is for the EU, not North America nor Asia. Apple skirts the law by selling an iPod/micro-USB adapter. Incidentally, the adapter is only good for charging.

Summary: Don't say "I'm a perfectionist", say "I'm a perfectionist" but don't say it like that.