
Great post. Thanks Whitson.

You got Froyo a couple months ago, so GB in 2012 and ICS in 2013. Oh wait, you're right. :-(

I hope it supports faces in sunglasses as well.

Agreed. I had to toss my favorite wallpaper to be able to read my calendar on 'Simple Calendar Widget'. But wallpaper #2 was acceptable considering the boost in function.

As a recovering iPhone owner, this would just give me too many painful flashbacks.

I had problems with CFLs in one particular socket in one particular enclosed ceiling fixture. I replaced the socket itself and haven't had a problem since. Then a week later LH posted this article about sockets that eat bulbs: []

Obviously you haven't seen Android's definition of HS organization. As a previous iPhone owner, I can attest that the Apple definition of "organization" is to decide which screen it goes on, if it goes in a folder or not. That's it. On Android, there are waaaaaay more options - do you even want the icon on the

VOTE: Sportacular

Completely agree. Nothing gives me the giggles more than seeing somebody out in public using their iPad as a camera. C'mon just wear a sign that says "I bought an iPad" because toting around a tablet to take 1MP pictures shows you're either a braggart or an idiot. I always have my phone with me and it takes good

Agreed. After the Gingerbread update and Motorola's music player went to shitz, I started shopping for different music apps. The huuuuuge majority of my music listening on the phone occurs in the car.

No option for 'none'?

As a long time Google Reader user, I wouldn't consider Reader and Google News as one and the same. I'm not sure why they got lumped together in the poll.

Don't hit a slug with a weedwacker because you never know where the pieces will fly.

VOTE: Google Reader

Like some of the others who have posted here, my add-on most certainly wasn't working. In my case it was Firebug. [F12] didn't work, Firebug wasn't in the context menus nor the FF menu (View -> Firebug). Reinstalling did the trick.

We subconsciously take shortcuts when walking through a familiar environment. Sometimes it's a weird foot placement, odd hip movement, etc. Not having a leg at the corner of the desk allows someone to cut that corner which is a good idea since the desk forms a corner in the hallway. Don't believe me? Ask yourself

Vote: Mt. Dew

LOL'd, LOL'd again

I absolutely agree with you. However, the Simi Clock widget allows you to hid menus in widget hotspots. I'm not saying that's what Worlder Mon did, but it is possible to have a minimal desktop that's still functional.