
@mavkato: I had friends with a gopher problem. They tried everything short of carpet bombing. As a joke I got them these stake-like devices that run on batteries and vibrate at some interval. They said the gophers were gone within a week! I have no idea what it was called but Google found similar devices.

@mochie: I agree - paper/mud wasps get a bad rep just because they are in the same family as yellow jackets and hornets. Now THOSE are mean.

@Andrew Aldrich: Note that ctrl+9 takes you to the last tab (not the 9th tab, unless the 9th tab is the last tab). What I don't understand is why ctrl+0 (that's a zero) went unused. To me that makes more sense as the "last tab" hotkey.

Or you can jailbreak, install Activator and make the triple-click do what YOU want.

@Jsqrd: Sigh, because Steve has deemed your 3G a P.O.S. so no background apps for you... unless you jailbreak.

@heather004: We would take B1 before and during camping trips; pretty effective without dousing yourself in chemicals.

VOTE: Toodledo

@djlos: Agreed. I'm trying to sever the cord w/ Apple but I can't pass up $1 deals. Damn you Steve!

@cubeenigma: Are you kidding?!? You get iAds!

@FriedPeeps: If Lord Steve lets you down, just jailbreak and done.

@Tegan: If it's any consolation, Mr. Gallon is full of bleach.

@Auraten: ...except the English language. Ooooh scary!

@wasting_company_time: Swallowing my own vomit while that guy was tweeting from the altar was worth it just so I could read this comment.

Growing up in a mild climate, we had ants year round but they only came inside in the summer. We mentioned this to an entomologist friend of ours and she told us the ants were looking for water. So we kept the yard immediately around the house well watered and the "indoor ants" never came back.

@dennis.g: You're sick. Funny, yes. But still sick.

@LessIsMore: Now I'll never be able to read the comments in peace again.

@jupiterthunder: Don't interfere with natural selection. The gene pool could use a little cleaning.

@I_have_something_to_say: I take it you've never done collaborative work with another group half-way around the world. Emailing spreadsheets back and forth is just a P.I.T.A. and surprisingly error-prone. One document online that everybody has access to all the time with built-in revision control has saved us a ton…