
Thanks Kevin.

@Prairie Moon: In other words, it "only applies" to the most popular OS and most popular browser.

@mp.techpaper+forum: I'm using Dropbox and Win Live Sync simultaneously. Dropbox ~ 40MB, Live Sync ~ 20MB.

"It's why I don't own sweats...I feel like I should be watching TV with the flu when I wear them."

@2010-Camaro: We have a guy in our group who gets the paper. Yes, one guy. He brings the Fry's ad in every Friday morning. What a champ.

Maybe I'm missing the point, but it looks like shot #1 is primed for a large TV, shot #2 needs a large neon sign, shot #3 has a perfect spot for a couch, shot #4 could use a desk chair.

If the dinner conversation heads down the path of "we should contact so-and-so and ask them about blah-de-blah" then it's okay. This is a fact because my wife always lets me know when I'm doing something wrong and this behavior doesn't elicit her wrath.

In college, I pulled apart an alarm clock, took out the speaker and soldered it to the board with a really long pair of wires, feeding the wires through the speaker holes. Then I put the clock under my lofted bed and the speaker right next to my head. Due to the proximity, it was loud enough to wake me but not so

@Midnite1: I'll second that. FF3.6 has been extremely stable for me. I'm running about 20 extensions but I trimmed the plug-ins to bare-bones. Web dev with 15-30 tabs and not a single crash since the 3.6 rollout.

@bobbo33: I've always thought a little more breakdown would be nice. Let's say I'm just browsing, but I know I'm not buying a laptop, it would be nice if there was a section for laptops, one for desktops, one for displays, one for keyboards, yada, yada...

@Pineapple Chunks: OMG you're sharing music?!? You're not supposed to share music. I'm telling. You don't own that music you bought! Who do you think you are? I'm not even sure you're allowed to listen to the music you bought. Maybe you should check with an attorney before you so flagrantly disregard the obvious

@aliking: YOU are the genius. I hadn't even thought of that. I was thinking the RIAA would sue before the end of the month. After all, you can upload copyrighted material to a website! A website!

@orbitbreak: My freshman year in college, we defrosted the freezer before moving out. (First time in 9 months.) We found the missing popsicles! Of course the act of defrosting the freezer destroyed them. If only we had kept the freezer defrosted to begin with, then we could have had those tasty popsicles.

I'm using Scripts for iTunes [] which works well with my media keys and keyboard driver. However, if you want to do something fancy, this looks like a nice alternative.

@ericesque: Agreed. Plus I think I've found clarity in my life. I'm only eating healthy from here on out. McDonald's for breakfast, McDonald's for lunch, McDonald's for dinner...

No LED backlighting? I thought that was a "workspaces" requirement. What's going on here?

Any other tall guys out there wondering where your legs go?

@Kevinpalooza: I wondered about the lack of a 'Mark As Unread' button but your solution sounds even better.