
@ericesque: Where are the rules posted? I was going to give this post a +20 for including perfectly-sized screenshots (big enough to read but not too big) and then there's a pic for each tab (+20x2). So I think that puts the post back at 0 but I don't know if that's a good score or not.

@DanGarion: Good, I'm not the only one that keeps the shower curtain indefinitely. I do the same as Dan - throw it in the washer, at the beginning of the spin cycle, take it out and let all the pools drain, throw it back in, spin away, hang in the shower when you're done. No extra magnets though.

@Attmay: They're listing the top 8 per time period. Considering that Chrome wasn't released until Sep 08, it's not surprising that it's not in the top 8. Change the time period to a shorter/recent time frame and Chrome appears.

@wickedcupofjoe: 'System Volume' is where Windows saves your system restore points. If you want to dial it back some, right-click on 'My Computer', select 'Properties' then hit the 'System Restore' tab. From there you can change how much disk System Restore consumes.

Christmas with the Chipmunks

@Andre Barnett: ...and I've been looking for a way to stop my keyboard from sliding around my desk.

I wish Picasa let you share multiple folders at the same time but only send one email. Uploading vacation pics and then spamming your friends with 20 invites doesn't make for happy photo comments.

Anybody else think it's shortsighted to make "best of..." lists before the year is actually over? Especially in the movie space where studios save their best for the end of the year to help with Oscar nominations and voting. Plus, they are completely ignoring the Christmas sales effect on music and the Xmas iTunes

@vlatro: I'll have to use that excuse next time. ;-)

This is so welcome because I always had such a hard time locating that huge entry space located right in the middle of page.


@TheFu: I bought the 'Presto 03510 FlipSide Belgian Waffle Maker' in May and we love it. It takes up soooo much less space than your standard waffle maker and the price is pretty good. []

Considering that IE6 and IE7 each have more market share then Chrome, Safari and Opera I'm curious why they weren't in the comparison. Well, other than the obvious - they suck.

Totally addicted to skipping commercials. If I'm watching something without delay I'll pause at the beginning of a commercial break just so I can ffwd through the commercials. #tv

VOTE: RocketDock

@joelena: And I like graphs that are sorted in no particular order and thus make the data harder to compare. For example, based on the graph above, how does AOL compare to Hotmail? Too hard to tell, too bad the data wasn't sorted. #remainders