Your mama

She’s jobless and on food stamps? And now she’s going to be belligerent and ‘uppity’ and refuse to apologize? Maybe she is one of us black folks after all!

Whenever blacks start complaining, I always point to my white skin and say, “Well, this color has been through alot”. Pisses them off even more.

I don’t agree with violence but you must admit Dylaan Roof did have valif viewpoint.

How do you know Adam wasn’t black?
You ever try to take a rib from a nignog?

The guy is lying to sell books. He SAYS she said these things but no one can reach her for comment. And he SAYS she said them ten years ago. So here we have a fellow white man in African American studies selling you darkies books. So, yeah, I’ll take your advice and Done Read His Cracker Ass Book. ‘Cause I like fellow

Justice for what? As you folks like to say.... she dindoo nuffin.

In dat case Ize gonna buyz me dat book!

Like OJ

So every article on this has a headline that states in no uncertain terms that Ms. Bryant “admits to lying”. Most stories, but not this one, tell you that Ms. Bryant could not be reached for comment as to whether she actually said these things to Mr. Tyson who is, after all, profiting from a book. Most stories, but