Co-sign this. This is my Portillo’s and the drive thru is truly annoying as fuck.
Co-sign this. This is my Portillo’s and the drive thru is truly annoying as fuck.
Can they tear down and rebuild that Portillo’s across the street next? Whoever designed their drive-thru needs to be publicly shamed and then exiled to Indiana.
What matters a little less is whether what he did was “misconduct.” I’m leaning toward he’s kind of a pushy asshole, not a date-rapist.
I’m going to use the example of how many colleges interpreted Title IX in their athletics departments for about 15 years. Instead of adding women’s programs and opportunities, they just started dropping men’s programs to even out the numbers. Obviously that sucked for the male athletes, but moreso, that hamstrung…
‘I don’t find this person funny thus no one, even her fans, thinks she’s funny either.’
I’m hoping the staff found an old “That Was Easy” button from Staples, put it on his desk, and told him it launches the nukes.
You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word “ethnic”. Perhaps it doesn’t translate well. An “ethnic group” is much more fine grained and different than “race”. “Italian” is very much in keeping with the meaning of the term.
I think it is you who doesn’t understand what an ethnic group is...
No one waits until 8 months along and then goes, ‘Oh, wait, I didn’t want a baby after all. Better kill it.’
Late term abortions happen because there’s something seriously wrong, that will result in the death of the baby or serious injury or death to the mother. If you support reproductive rights AT ALL, you have to be…
I would say the opposite: if Dustin Hoffman wanted a particular topic off the table, he should have presented those to the panel organizers before agreeing to do the panel. That’s generally how it works in interviews; it’s up to the subject (or rather, their representation) to say “You can’t ask me about X, Y, or Z.”
The original incidents happened 40 years ago, but Hoffman acting like a dick about it happened this year. If he’d been a grownup and said “Yeah, I was really shitty when I was younger, but I’ve grown past that behavior and have since realized that it’s not okay to grab teenagers’ asses and make weird remarks about…
What is the statue of limitation on being a victim of assault? What time frame are you no longer a victim? She ended up apologizing to him because women have been socialized to always minimize the discomfort of men, even when we are right. The fact that dustin only apologized because he was told to and also explains…
Are you familiar with the phrase, “The banality of evil”? It’s the central lesson of the 20th century? That anyone can fall prey to ideology and commit atrocities? And we should examine it, polite manners and all, and that the concept that examining it is some how an endorsement/normalization is insidious? Because it…
So do you not get how some kids don’t have good parents who do this? I mean, you’re basically saying that your kids won’t be assholes because you are a good parent... and you are using this as an argument for accountability.... but some people don’t have good parents. They are going to fuck up. If I was black or poor…
Man I feel bad for your kids for having such a condescending dad. Y’all are gonna have some great blow-back when they’re teens. Even assuming you’re not just full of shit, just because your wife is a pediatric therapist that still doesn’t make you a good parent, nor does it make your assertion that only parents can…
I’m a human being and I’ve worked in child care, I’m just as qualified to talk about children as you are if not more. Knocking someone up doesn’t suddenly make you a child-rearing expert so stop relying on that shitty cliche. That being said, your revelations are hardly world changing and you sound like most mediocre…
Becky is being replaced as manager by Sarah Chalke.
Agreed. It always amazes me that for years, in many countries including the US, “gay panic” defense was OK. Like, if you think a gay guy was hitting on you, you could kill him and the courts would treat it like self defense. That’s how dangerous purely theoretical unwanted sexual attention was. But a man does is to a…
The only thing I can think of is from Louis’ statement itself (which you have to take at face value for this argument)—He was the celebrity comedian, so he felt like it was almost a “gift” allowing less famous women (especially ones in the field he ruled over) to watch him masturbate. And you can kind of see how; if…
More power to Maron for saying he will remains friends, I am sure he will take a hit or two for that but little short of shunning these creeps from society and casting them away to some kind of predator island they are going to need rehabilitation (and I mean to their personality not their reputation here) and to you…