Sail Boat

great until the mini filters in the turbo oil feed line banjo bolt clog, blows up the turbo, and send metal into your intake manifold like a limited edition Judas Priest piñata.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

I think each author here needs a day to geek out about their favorite brands. all day, all things brand - from track to trail.

If its not going to end up looking like this, I’ll pass:

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I find your lack of Comic Sans... disturbing.

fuckin’ aerospoke.

1998 Dodge Stratus, seen here in fully loaded form for moving across the country for an internship.

I could NEVER drive deadlip’s hooptie.

“Quirky Saab” ...that’s redundant. Coulda just said Saab

Last time I flew into Austin, I was the only one in the airport wearing cowboy boots. This is the perfect car for that city. Of course, it’s going to cost you a lot of money for all the hipster stuff you’ll have to buy to go with it. Mustache wax, hand-knitted alpaca scarf, watch cap, etc.

Sorry, who’s the douche bro in this example?

Hey now! There are places where nice high-performance all seasons just work better. Here in Seattle it basically never snows (we all know all seasons don’t work in the snow) but its still too cold 6-8 months out of the year to get the most out of any summer compound since they all work much better when its 65+ degrees

I’d say the opposite. Having Pilot Super Sports on a Honda Accord is more poser.

Light bars and lift kits in suburbia. None of that is needed to find your way over to PF Changs.

According to that scale on your map, planes are also much bigger today than they used to be.

After the LFA, right?

Another car I like and will not be able to afford. That makes me a sad panda.

Seriously? How is this post-worthy. How do people own cars and not know what these are.

“And be prepared to bump into things on country roads.”

fairvis is right.
Any US bought car will be too big, to fuel inefficient etc. I’m not sure about taxes, but I believe that many cars there are taxed further on Engine size, so budget for that.

Then there is the wrong side of the car problem. Learning to drive on the left is no problem, but doing so in a LHD car makes it