Progressive Pants: Use More Memes!

What strikes me about the shit talking comes from a Project Management Professional program I took. One of the key lessons I learned is not to talk shit, about anyone. Disparaging comments can weaken how other see the commentator. Rise above, deal with bad players accordingly and don’t talk shit. Not that I’m think

Yah I don’t know how Trump feels because he is a heinous man. When I read that they mocked him I was gleeful for a split second. Then I watched it & thought they seemed like a holes and that we should not treat each other that way. We should CALL HIM OUT every day TO HIS FACE. And leave the petty bullshit to middle

Gabrielle Union for President: America, we don’t deserve her, but we need her energy, goddammit

Most people do not have the resources.

Well shit, I’ve been wasting my time.

I get what you’re saying. Maybe if we framed it simply as she’s a fraud, regardless of what profession she was in. 

That’s... all of Star Wars, though? To the point where Mel Brooks made a parody in which “merchandise” is yelled a lot.

They used another name to post the exact same posts/complaints in a post I made from weeks ago.

Always a warning sign:

The slut-shamey hypocrisy towards Melania really gets to me, especially when coming from so-called feminists. I want that whole garbage family out of the White House (and few in prison) and yeah, Melania is absolutely complicit in that heinous empire. But her backstory really isn’t all that complicated: she was an

The thing is she’s NOT smug. She seems really wounded and she just wants her husband to like her. Don’t marry a guy who’s that withholding, spend time with people who love you! I want to go back in time and give the 3-year-old girl who grew into this horrifyingly insecure woman a hug.

“See babe???? I have put in the work to stay hot for you. We don’t need to have a threesome, I’m enough for you. A-aren’t I???” 

My wife and I thought this commercial was the weirdest shit ever. Glad others agree. What we thought was odd was how they spent the following christmas watching her clips that she recorded for the previous 364 days. Cant think of anything I would rather do on Christmas morning then watch moms recollection of her year

Look at that house, aspirational and absurd like most houses in TV ads. A Peloton isn’t putting a dent in that household’s budget.

Someone on Twitter joked that this ad shows “a courageous journey of a woman transforming her body from 116 pounds to 112 pounds”

Your rant has inspired me to also point out how fucking annoying those Buick ads, where the smug rich person smugly jokes about getting themselves a car for Christmas, truly are.

The gift was inside her the entire time. 

Oh, I don’t think that she’s an influencer. The big reveal at the end of the ad is that all the videos we’ve seen so far are part of a larger video diary... THAT SHE’S GIVING TO HER HUSBAND AS A GIFT!

I used to work for a talent agency, the auditions for this commercial were a fucking nightmare. They were HOURS behind and our client had two other auditions to get to, she was more worried about those. So I called casting and made excuses for her, so she could get to her next audition on time.

The real change is... ON THE INSIDE.