
Adafruit has some really great, really small, Arduino-compatible boards which rival the size of the Pi Zero. Sparkfun is another place to get such boards.

Anyone else cringe seeing the sailor with the ‘cup and sauce’ grip on the pistol?

There’s always the option of a strategically placed, precision, 0.22 inch diameter hole. If you do it correctly, you’ll never hear that animal again!

Muck Boots Arctic Excursion

Muck Boots Arctic Excursion

The fence around his yard is to keep him in, right? Please?

Stance it.

You don’t exactly relinquish US citizenship, but the US gov’t doesn’t recognize your other citizenship(s) either.

Google did a large scale study on using SMART data to predict HDD failures. Their conclusion was that SMART alone doesn’t really do the trick.

A safety switch on a any type of firearm should only be viewed as a last resort safety feature. Muzzle discipline, trigger discipline, and plain old common sense should obviate the need for a safety switch.

Wow. Maybe you should just stay on the coast and leave flyover country to us here in the middle clutching our guns and Bibles.

Yeti claims to be dishwasher safe, while RTIC clearly says it is not.

Yeti claims to be dishwasher safe, while RTIC clearly says it is not.

Rabies. She has rabies. Hydrophobia is a symptom is later stages of rabies, as is paralysis, confusion, agitation, fever, etc.

I prefer to use carefully placed 5.56mm diameter holes to destroy hard drives. Protects my data, and provides a little variety to target practice.

I’m a CrossFitter, and I clicked on this story hoping to find exactly what I found here! This is hilarious!

Is she a big Vikings fan?

Is she a big Vikings fan?

Definitely the vacuum. Chicks dig getting household appliances for anniversaries and such. If she already has a good vacuum, go for the Dremel.

Definitely the vacuum. Chicks dig getting household appliances for anniversaries and such. If she already has a good

I hear ‘Fighting Sioux’ or, my favorite, ‘Fighting Sue’ is available.