
@brandegee: Right? I think Pontiac customers might balk at the price though.

@civicnar: I highly respect your opinion, however consider this - as most people do not get into accidents with laws allowing this in Europe, most of the rest of the developed world, and California, do the benefits not outweigh the risks?

@wildnotmild: As a motorcyclist myself, this is the biggest impediment to nation-wide lane sharing. People get *way* bent out of shape for some reason, like you're cutting in line? It doesn't make any sense.

@bearslayer: Actually that's an uber-rare Caddy XLR-V. And that biker doesn't have a license plate? (unless it was 'shopped out)

@civicnar: That is the motorcyclist's decision if he is going to try to get the jump on you, and his fault entirely. However, I believe they should have that option, as in the vast majority of cases, it has shown to be safe.

@jodark: I'm not saying Glenn isn't good at arguing (in fact he is very, very good at it). But, like many pundits, when you control the play, you can make up all the context you like. And he's very fond of making up context. I find his commentary pedantic, boring, and self-serving. I think he has an imagined

@astrocramp: Well, love versus hate anyway. I voted for Obama but I really liked McCain - shame about his party though!

@jodark: "using sound logic and principles to explain his point"

@FTroop: Isn't it though? Can you believe these people are supposed to be leaders some times? It's like someone's cranky grandpa wandered into the chamber and took the podium.

@oldraven: I personally enjoy all the budget deficit heroes, bravely shooting down legislation that costs money. Where were all these guys 8 years ago when we decided to start to concurrent wars without and idea how to get out?

@Novaload: Actually, everyone should know what "universal health care" looks like, considering it's employed in many places around the world.

@phor11: No no no! You've got it all wrong - when you're not the party in power, inciting fear, uncertainty, and doubt works *for* you, not against! Why should they not rile the ignorant? They have nearly nothing to lose as long as they don't get caught specifically inciting. What's that you say, that it's wrong

@Novaload: Instead of a Jalopnik sticker, wy not go whole horse and do a raised chrome logo?

@JDisnidiet: Yeah, ammo got scarce - it's almost like everyone bought it all up for no reason, creating a lack of supply!

@jodark: Glenny did that? Good on him, then.

@klipless: Here's your peace, hippy - a piece of my bumper!

@MaWeiTao: 1. Research, representation, activism, involvement? Or 2. Frothy, ignorant rage! Graaah!