
I mean, seriously, what’s with all this fire and agriculture we’ve got going on? Wasn’t life better when we just hunted, gathered, and ate our meat bloody and raw? Those were the days.

Now playing

Here’s the thing that people miss- there’s an entire generation- scratch that, generations - that are growing up and have grown up with the prequels as an intrinsic part of their Star Wars vocabulary. There’s countless fans out there- not just hardcore crazies, but fans from all walks of life- who’s childhood memories

When commentators talk about superhero/fantasy/sci-fi “fatigue” or “gluts,” they’re revealing more of their own biases than any sort of pop-culture acumen. Sure, the western is cited as an example of a genre that got played out, but between 1900 and 1980 there were hundreds of westerns being made in the United States

I thought we wanted to be at a place where we could have gay characters (or trans characters or minority characters) where the fact they are gay (or trans or a minority) isn’t the biggest defining characteristic?

The two leads from the first two trilogies are amputees.

Never forget:

All right, if I’m a ‘fanboy,’ name me a major tech company that doesn’t have Foxconn tech in their products.

They don’t have Chinese employees. They contract from Foxconn. Guess what: So do all of the other tech companies. I keep challenging people to find me a major tech company that doesn’t have Foxconn-assembled products inside the computers they sell.

Because people have different opinions? You liked the first two X-Men movies, that’s cool. I didn’t. I don’t think they’re very good movies, although I guess they’re serviceable for what they tried to do. They just aren’t for me. Bryan Singer, in my opinion, is a very overrated director.

Because their plan is obviously too crazy to be believed and thus he provides the best kind of smokescreen.

It really sucks that someone can’t encourage people to recognize and celebrate both the shared qualities and differences with others without someone making an inaccurate correlation to something offensive. I guess the world really doesn’t want to us to get to a place of equality.

If you are offended by this you are stupid.

I get the whole blackface thing, but this level of trying to make acknowledging differences in skin color taboo is even more offensive in my opinion. Is having brown skin supposed to be a bad or dirty thing? If my white friend and I swapped faces, it would be hilarious, but I wouldn’t be all sad because I’m not

Yeah you’re right. That’s why we all love the math wiz Asian or the slam-dunkin’ black guy. Stereotypes that seem positive on the surface are always great.

Shut up. Shut up and stop pretending that because you’ve seen a scan of a single panel of a Batman comic from 1939 that “Batman has always killed.” Batman hasn’t killed anyone since he’s had a backstory and a sidekick, ever since Whitney Ellsworth took over as Detective Comics’ editor in 1941. Stop pushing this

His being in standby doesn’t undermine anything, if he’s recounting the events as they were told to him. Just like the events that happened on cloud city when he was on dagobah. Or literally every other scene in the first two trilogies that he’s not in.

Ben Affleck’s Batman is Dark Knight Returns-like in a lot of ways

“listing a bunch of stuff that doesn’t exist yet is kind of an odd way to do it”

The accurate and standardized measurement of the causal nature of the universe is indeed an invention of humans. We call it “Time”

A continent with various nationalities, cultures, architecture, history and languages does appeal to me, yes—not to mention a great transportation infrastructure that makes it relatively cheap and easy to travel around them. We don’t have that here for obvious reasons, and it’s really not the same, but then the appeal