
Based on a quick look at Google Maps, San Francisco seems to be the closest major American city to North Korea (outside of Hawaii, but I don’t know if any of those cities are very major).

Yeah, McGregor plus the Clone Wars tv series really did a lot to make Kenobi my favorite Star Wars character.

“People aren’t OK with spending more and more on what amounts to the bare basics”

Jeff Goldblum’s character is The Grandmaster. He’s one of the oldest beings in the universe and basically uses his insanely vast powers to make people battle/play games for his amusement.

ITT: People who think that soap kills bacteria.

I can just see some asshole putting a weapon in space, some other asshole destroying it, then the kessler effect taking out all our satellites and fucking us over for decades.

I have to say, “The Gifted” is the most unexciting, milquetoast name they could have possibly given to an X-men related show.  

Yeah, I’m pretty sure the whole “compensate for poor design sensibilities by making things impossibly complex” aesthetic is going to be one of those things where a decade from now we’ll all look back on this era of movies and wonder what the hell we were thinking.

Based on some very quick research, it seems like circumcision in North America was quite rare until the early 20th century (unless you were Jewish). So chances are Wolverine was never circumcised.

I’m trying to reconcile this with Thor suddenly becoming worthy again when he decided to take on the Beyonders with Hyperion.

Say what you will about Iron Fist, but the pacing kicks the crap out of every other Netflix Marvel show to date. This is the first show I’ve been able to comfortably binge, while every other series so far has had a massive lull in the middle which forces me to take a break or 3.

Well when Tony is looking at Peter’s homemade costume in Civil War, it includes goggles which block out most light, as they seem to have replaced his “Spider Sense” with just enhanced senses and the goggles help him filter out excess input. I imagine the shutter-lenses do something similar, except they let Peter

Technically he was using micro-sentinels to heal people when he was masquerading as Xorn. Also nobody actually sees “Xorn’s” head after they free him from his prison in China. He takes his helmet off to destroy some baddies when he was watching the special class, but that was off-screen and nobody actually sees him do

At this rate it wont be long before you can buy the entire Vertu company for less money than one of their phones.

Don’t call it Trumpcare! If/when this thing crashes and burns, the GOP is going to try to blame the entire mess on Trump. Trump will undoubtedly do countless other things to destroy his brand over the next 3.75 years; the GOP needs to be held accountable for trying to repeal the ACA for 8 years without actually having

I don’t think it would retroactively change the enjoyment you got from the movie previously. The book is a masterpiece, and I think it’s a shame if you’d avoid reading it to preserve your current opinion on the movie. 

Honestly, I think V for Vendetta is a really good example of this, by which I mean it was handled terribly in the film. His big “V speech” is just a garbled mess.

Often movies will have a sort of “code name” they can use so as not to draw too much attention. For example, if they’re filming in a busy city they might put up signs saying “Cherry Blue crew parking” or something similar, so the random passers-by don’t see “MARVEL’S ANT MAN crew parking” signs and start crowding.

I never understood what was so good about Darkseid. He pretty much just stands around waxing poetic about how he is the ultimate evil, until someone challenges him and he shoots his zig-zag lasers, destroying them instantly.

He should be shamed because he’s telling the people with the least in society that they need to manage their money better, while enacting a plan which is by any account a waste of money. Not even counting the huge waste from rolling back Obamacare in the first place, any plan the Republicans come up with is going to