
Sadly, I have no doubt that he would.

Firebrands never get anything done.

I’m 95% sure Mika voted for Hillary. Joe probably wasted his on Johnson or bit the bullet and voted for Clinton. I really don’t think he voted for Trump but I guess there’s always a chance.

It’s true. He lost educated white women but he won overall white women because so many of them are uneducated rural idiots married to uneducated rural idiots.

Most of them were stupid white idiots living in all-white rural and exurban areas married to stupid idiot white men who listen to Rush Limbaugh all day. He lost big with women who were educated, unmarried, urban, and/or non-white.

She sucks at her job as badly as he does his.

I think she did. But it’s a conservative stylist and they’re fucking clueless.

I wouldn’t say Cheney looks like a nice guy but he’s smart and can behave like a grown up in public. That combo’s looking damn good right now.

Cheney would crush him with a single look. Cheney may be evil but he’s insanely smart and savvy. He’d make mincemeat of this moron if he wanted to.

Mika and Joe were laughing about that stupid fake Time magazine cover that Trump has hanging in his golf course country clubs.

He is utterly destroying the State Department, Pentagon, EPA, NOAA, and FEMA. He is completely obliterating our federal government at the foundations. That is not harmless. We are sliding into the abyss right fucking now and this tweeting shit is just taking up all the media’s attention but don’t kid yourself, the

You realize, of course, that Trump’s wars will be far worse than any Bush/Cheney could ever conjure up? Oh, and they didn’t totally dismantle the State Department and EPA or sell us to Russia. So, As bad as they were, they were nowhere near as bad as this and this is going to get even worse.

For me, the were-monster episode was the only good one.

Nah, you want the real petty ass judgy shit? Don’t have a husband, kid, or a dog. Nobody has your back when you’re single, childless, and petless. It’s open season for everybody.

I can always find tons of brands and varieties here in the suburban Midwest. I don’t think any of those things are rare in the US unless we’re talking about rural Iowa and Alabama or poor urban food deserts.

We do have real normal yogurt without sugar in it. Every grocery store I have every been do here in the US has had plain yogurt with at least one brand available in full-fat. Not everything on American dairy shelves is over-sugared Yoplait slop. There’s plenty of that but that’s not all there is.

Fine, but full fat dairy products with no sugar added are available in every single store where I live here in the suburban Midwest, including crème fraîch. Some of it is even organic and/or grass-fed. It may not be up to your standards but the notion that there is no “real” dairy to be had in the US is absurd unless

They can’t add sugar to milk and call it milk unless it’s flavored Chocolate or Strawberry. Lower fat milk is just milk with less fat.

Agreed. 2% Fage is great and, honestly, the flavor difference between it and the full fat just isn’t worth the extra calories to me.

It’s the consistency that’s the same. I pick my battles. I need real butter on my toast so, saving 50 calories by using FF H&H in my tea is my compromise.