
She wasn’t likable or entertaining. The thing is that writers always end up making excuses for their characters, cheating narratives to make them look good or better than they are. If you do that with a piece of shit character, it feels false. When they do it with a character you like or find entertaining, it doesn’t

Yup on the Hallmark Channel with Candace Cameron. It’s even more vanilla than you can possibly imagine. It’s like fat-free tofu mayonnaise spread on untoasted gluten-free white bread.

Middle class and higher white people hate being reminded that going broke and living paycheck to paycheck or worse could easily happen to them. They’d rather watch rich white people and pretend to be just a good investment or lottery ticket away from that.

She married Pavel’s less talented and successful brother, Valeri, so he probably doesn’t have that much money. He runs a small winery now.

Seriously, where the flying fuck are the Democrats?! Why the fuck aren’t they grabbing stories like these and WaPo’s Russia expose yesterday by the balls and shouting them from the rooftops?! This is way, morons! Nobody wins a war by going high when your opponent goes low.

‘Bout fucking time.

Even when Fox News occasionally tells the truth, usually in the form of Chris Wallace or Shep Smith, the drooling idiot Trumpanzees who watch demand they be fired for besmirching their dear leader. So, even if Fox talks about it, they won’t believe it.

Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity, Breitbart, and the like are the biggest terrorists in America. Filling the minds of bored, scared, and aging white people with terror of everything and inducing them to hate everyone they perceive as different, scary, or dangerous. They’ve done to this country what Bin Laden, ISIS, or

Yeah, because it’s true you stupid brainwashed right wing troglodyte.

Yes, I’m ignoring her call to listen because she isn’t the boss of me. She’s also an idiot without the slightest shred of self-awareness. But thanks for chiming in personally, Ana.

As if this moron is important enough to boycott. Who’d even notice? Her movies make $37 at the box office.

We have no evidence that he was tortured and beaten to death. The doctors who examined him in Cincinnati say there is no indication whatsoever of physical abuse or torture nor any indication of physical injury to his neck or head, beyond the anoxia induced brain damage. The North Koreans certainly caused his cardiac

The reason why North Korea is exceptional is that it’s the actual government that’s the biggest threat there. We also have no diplomatic relations there. If you get caught up in a bombing in Pakistan or a cartel shootout in Mexico, although far more likely than getting arrested in North Korea, you aren’t being

The problem with saying the North Koreans lied about him stealing the poster is that several people were on that tour and no others were arrested. 800 Americans go to North Korea every year and, while I think that’s pretty unwise, only 16 have been arrested in the last 20 years and a few of them got arrested

Only if he were a North Korean citizen, which he isn’t.

The realm of possibility is the phrase you should be using not reality. No, it’s not out of the realm of possibility but:

It’s not speculation. The doctors who examined him in Cincinnati said there was no indication of physical trauma, fresh or healed. His injuries were consistent with brain atrophy due to anoxia from cardiac arrest. If he really were tortured, why is his family (who are obsessed with trashing Obama and blaming him for

Going to North Korea isn’t like most traveling and you know it. If you don’t know it, you’re the kind of fucking idiot who goes to North Korea and is shocked when you end up in a forced labor camp for 15 years until the Swedish consulate negotiates for your ass’s release.

We’re not the ones sowing discord. We’re resisting fascism, not promoting it like Fox News, Breitbart, and Zero Hedge.

There were no demands from North Korea. The North Koreans refused to discuss the situation. That was a clue that something was wrong with Warmbier, since the North Koreans usually let the Swedish ambassador see and speak to American, Canadian, and Australian prisoners so he can assure their governments that they’re