
Why are the Republicans pushing so hard on a health care plan the American people despise and will kill thousands? It isn’t just tax cuts for the rich, although that’s a big part. Another reason is because one of Russia’s richest men and one of Putin’s closest allies, Mikhail Fridman, liquidated $14 billion in shares

The death panels weren’t a lie, they were a coming attraction. They always project their own sins onto Democrats.

If the law only applied to Republicans, I’d agree with you but we’re all stuck with this clusterfuck. That’s not okay.

Exactly. Hillary had plans for them and talked about them. The problem is that she didn’t kiss their ass and tell them what they wanted to hear. She told them the truth: that coal is dead and that they need to be retrained in growing industries and wanted to fund retraining and help with relocation if necessary. These

Don’t forget gerrymandering, voter suppression, hacked databases, and possibly even changed electronic votes. I’m not 100% convinced that all these vile GOPers are legitimately winning all these races, especially in places outside the South and plains.

If they’re hiding it when it’s approval rating is only 17%, then it’s vile and they know it.

I am. We need to wake up all the ignoramuses who think they’re too good to vote in way that actually counts or we’re fucked for eternity.


That’s how the system works here. If we had a parliamentary coalition system, third parties would be viable but we don’t, thus they are nothing but wasted votes that can throw an election the wrong way. There are only two realistic choices in the US. Period. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a naive, gullible child.

I do. Those assholes were everywhere on November 7th bragging about their precious purity while fucking over the whole world.

They’re also arrogant and gullible. Also useless.

People stupid enough to vote for Stein aren’t on our side. They’re fuckwits easily manipulated by Russian propaganda bullshit. They might as well be full on Trumpanzees. Fuck them.

The bills are close enough to be easily reconciled and Trump will sign anything he thinks he can sell as a win, even if only for a minute. The GOPers aren’t going to be denied. They’ve been salivating over this for years.

No, nothing you just said is true. Premiums were increasing at a much greater rate before the ACA. The reason they’re skyrocketing now is the because the Republicans are deliberately sabotaging it by refusing to pay the insurance companies the risk corridor payments the ACA promises them to offset the cost of offering

The don’t unless you have a Grizzly Adams beard growing down there.

Rwanda was such a horrible mess there’s no telling what we could or couldn’t have done, how quickly, or at what cost. The massacres started suddenly, following the assassination of the country’s president and occurred over only a hundred days, with as many as 800,000 killed in the first six weeks. The US had only 800

It’s not missing, it atrophied due to anoxia. Similar to what happened to Terri Schiavo.

When they aren’t shooting off missiles and threatening to nuke us and their neighbors, we don’t threaten them. Leaving them alone has never stopped them from using us as a convenient boogeyman. The people are too brainwashed, malnourished, and underarmed for a coup no matter what they think of us.


We’re not fucking with North Korea and haven’t in decades. They’re fucking with us. And South Korea. And Japan. And China. And Russia. They’re the ones gleefully threatening to nuke shit because their precious leader is fucking insane!