
Desperately poor white people are nowhere near as numerous as Trump and his minions pretend. The average yearly salary of a Trump voter was $72,000, despite them being poorly educated on average. The vast majority simply aren't Appalachian coal miners out of work for a decade or more. That's a myth.

Except that the vast majority of Trump voters aren't unemployed, destitute, or down on their luck. Most are decently employed or retired from being so. Their economic anxiety is almost entirely manufactured by right wing media. The economy is better than it was eight years ago, more people are employed, more people

White rural poor people who are on welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid but support cutting all of those things do so because they think that the conservative politicians they vote for will only cut them for ‘lazy brown people who don't deserve it' and they’ll get more for themselves. In their minds, they’re God-fearing

But you have to be a fucking idiot not to see through such utterly stupid, insane propaganda. The right wing hate machine isn't exactly subtle or sophisticated. Anyone with half a brain should see through it in thirty seconds or less. But these nitwits just sit there and take it all in unquestioningly, probably

They're not good people. They might not be serial killers but they're not good people. Nobody can vote for Donald Trump and be a good person. It is not possible. I know, my dad and brother did. They were once decent people but they've both become insufferable, abusive assholes.

No, the 40% we're talking about are largely white people who are too lazy to vote. Many of the minorities who were purged tried to vote and wanted to. The 40% didn't even bother trying.

Exactly. He would've been defeated easily if people weren't so damn lazy. The crazy, stupid people always vote. You need to get off your ass to counteract them, people!

Trump in the White House benefits literally no one but Trump and his demon spawn. Anyone who thinks he will benefit them is too stupid to live much less vote.

Don't forget the 2nd Amendment. They demanded that one too so they could have slave patrols.

Her popular vote lead is now 1.7 million and her lead will almost certainly be more than 2 million by the time all ballots are counted.

Racism and sexism are nothing but voodoo. Superstitious bullshit invented by weak, pathetic idiots who desperately want to pretend that they're superior to others by mere virtue of birth, mostly because they're too lazy to actually beat others on a level playing field.

Women sacrifice far more than men and always have. Our sacrifices are simply far less likely to be acknowledged.

A lot more people voted for Hillary than the orange turd from hell and you know it. Most of his voters are stupid, willfully ignorant, gullible, and brainwashed by the right wing hate machine. The rest are just plain evil.

Way better than a slew of blatantly misogynist assholes everywhere.

There is no "strong values" part of the base left. This election totally obliterated every single self-righteous right wing hypocrite's claim to giving a damn about "family values", "God's will", or any of that religious right nonsense. They choose racism and nationalism instead decisively and definitively.

But then he'd get murdered by his most die-hard supporters and he knows it.

In case you hadn't noticed, right wing fascist lunatics make their own rules. They don't follow the ones everyone else does.

That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Because he's a gullible moron who agrees with or sucks up to whoever he's speaking to at any given moment. When he's talking to a mainstream journalist like Leslie Stahl, he can sound almost half way sane. When he's in front of a chanting crowd of moronic psychopaths at one of his Klan rallies, he let's the bigot flag

Institutional racism in America is 1000% a white people thing. Period. Being white is the major factor in the privilege business. It's literally the only reason the Iowa cop killer (a Confederate flag waving Trump supporter BTW) got arrested instead of shot. A black suspect who was unarmed and totally innocent