
I don't think he'd need to remain executioner anymore but he probably would because Love trusts him and his judgment.

I'll never understand people complaining about the cutaway to Theon because you know that if they'd focused on Sansa's face while Ramsey raped her, the meltdown would've been ten times worse. "How could they force us to watch her be degraded up close like that?" Yadda, yadda, yadda.

The remake isn't supposed to be 70's-style fun, it's dark and delves into the exploitation of the robots by their masters. Showing the sexual exploitation of sentient creatures who are thought to be without feelings is probably crucial to the narrative. There's no point in remaking something if you are going to do it

The character acknowledged the freshness of the scar on his face. He said that he re-cut it whenever his faith wavered. So they did explain it. It wasn't as simple as being swapped for the old executioner without question. The executioner's abused wife vouched for him, pretending that he was her husband because she

It's astonishing how Gillian Anderson just gets more and more beautiful as the years go by. A decade from now, we won't even be able to look directly at her lest the radiance blind us like a solar eclipse.

In "And the Beast from the Sea", Frances was watching a film reel of Molly and Walter going about their day unaware of a camera. Frances filmed his stalking of them and then watched it later while Reba was with him and couldn't see what was happening.

Hannibal cooked Bedelia's leg, the only real question IMO is who is third chair for. Will? Chiyo? Murasaki?

Of course she didn't cook her own leg. Hannibal had been prepping her and planning for years to act out this fantasy of his. The stinger is a bookend to the Gideon flashbacks in the season premiere. The same premiere where we see Hannibal feeding Bedelia oysters and wine after flashbacks where he explains to Gideon

Hannibal was definitely intending for Bedelia to eat herself. The dinner plate in front of her is empty, the leg hasn't been carved yet. The platter in front of her dinner plate contains oysters, just like he fed to Gideon to sweeten his blood for the snails that he was making escargot out of to gorge on. We saw this

True Blood shortchanged most of the truly talented members of the cast, but Wesley definitely got the worst of it. It was nice to finally see her get material she could really run with and I hope the showcase she put on here gets her more good work.

Yes, but they showed her remains "displayed" and that was more than enough.

That's how I saw it too. "You think I'm gay and impotent, Chilty? Well then, wear this for my amusement!"

But he wasn't the one who might've been raped as part of someone's revenge scheme against somebody else and then never even allowed to find out and react. Robyn is the one who is degraded and exploited by the plot to sell the angst of the men-folk. The affect on her is irrelevant in the movie's eyes and that is vile.

No, the story was about how the perversity and corruption Rust & Marty found in the course of the investigation changed them and made them very different men than they were when they first found Dora's body back in 1995. Rust accepting his daughter's death without hiding behind nihilism as a crutch to shield the pain

To be fair, Harrelson and McConaughey have been close friends for more than 15 years so finding any two actors with the kind of chemistry they had would be damn near impossible. Farrell and McAdams were great but I don't think any pair could beat Rust & Marty.

I really wish we'd seen them awkwardly pick up their rings and put them back on. I think it would've added some necessary bittersweet laughs.

Amazing Spiderman 2 made $708 million worldwide with a production budget of $255 million but marketing was $190 million. So, it actually cost $445 million to make and promote. After theaters took their cut, the studio was left with about $530 million, a roughly 20% profit. That's not bad but it's not great either. The

Rust had to go back into the gang because the leader was the only one who knew where Reggie Ledoux (their prime suspect) was because he was the gang's exclusive meth cooker. Reggie was heavily involved in Dora's murder and if Marty hadn't shot him, he and Rust might've caught Errol in 1995 and that fact haunted Rust

I spent seven weeks thinking was Paul pointless, superfluous, and cliched (which he generally was) but that death scene hurt and just when you thought he might've actually Jack Bauer'd his way out of there. Poor Paul.

My affiliate dumped all four episodes of season 2 on their second sub-channel and ran infomercials instead. At 8PM on Sunday nights. That's how much they thought of it.