
I made the mistake of looking, I've been in the medical field for many, many years, and they turned my stomach. The amount of force, the amount of TIMES he must have struck her to cause that kind of bruising and much pain inflicted.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at many of the pics, not that I need to see the proof to hate the abuse of a woman. My respect and gratitude for your diligent reporting on this. You are a bad-ass reporter for reporting this, and Marchman is a good editor for backing you up. I hope this gets picked up and reported on,

Agreed. Much respect to Kristina Laurence; Hardy’s asshat “bro” telling her “you didn’t hear anything” would’ve been enough to silence a lot of people - the fact that she had the guts to come through the way she did makes me applaud her

I’d just like to point out that Kristina Laurence is a goddamned hero. So is Diana Moskovitz, for that matter. But Laurence stood up and said no in the midst of a violent scene, put herself at considerable risk to do, and kept on insisting on telling the truth when it would have been much, much easier, not to mention

We already knew he was a monster, but the added detail certainly fleshes out his monstrousness. The fact that he immediately thought of calling 911 and reporting himself as a victim is just chillingly psycopathic. Like he had run this scenario through in his mind and already had a plan to handle it.

It’s obviously the party line for Hardy’s bros: he pays for drinks and attracts pretty girls; they cover for him. And whenever a football player gets accused of something horrific, wannabe-bros on message boards do the same thing and bring up the entourages’ statements to discredit the victim.

That quote from Marco makes me LIVID. What girl doesn’t want to be thrown into a tile wall, choked, and slammed onto a futon full of guns while her boyfriend threatens to murder her? I’m sure she was in absolute heaven.

Yes, you are dead right!

Actually, if someone is abusive, I’d recommend getting out immediately and not waiting for violence. Emotional abuse is bad also and also only gets worse.

Issues aside, 9/11 gave a lot of hard working Americans a much needed vacation.

Yes. If it is at all possible, leave as soon as the abuser shows violence. Don’t wait. It’s like cancer. It only gets worse. Please, survivors of battering and abuse, do everything you can to get away. You deserve to be safe!

But aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

Hey now, that’s a huge mischaracterization of the situation.

I think the obvious needs citing here: the NFL probably could have found all this out ... and I would bet good money that they have actually done so. (Hell, as Diana says up top, some of it was already previously reported!)

Issues aside, Mussolini made the trains run on time.

If you are in an abusive relationship, get help.

People will overlook a lot of things when there’s money to be made. It’s a tale as old as time.

What’s worse is when people defend them vehemently only because they did that. I hope him and Big Ben fly into the sun.

I am so god damn sick of people getting away with practically anything cause they can throw a freaking ball around.

Sigh. No, no counseling. No one even talked about it. I was just a med student at the time, and was in position to bring it up, either.