
No, 22 weeks is not viable. However, it was close enough to 23 weeks (which is viable) that the neonatologist felt it was unethical to go against the parents’ wishes. We coded for more than an hour, but couldn’t pronounce death for more than 4 hours after the code was called given how much epinephrine we had pumped

Yeah, it’s rough what they make them go through. My first time out of bed after more than a week of hospilitization, most of that in a medically induced coma, the staff was smart enough not to let me walk to the bathroom by myself.

My exact reaction too.

She’s made them in the past to cover surgical procedures and physical therapy for her back and legs.

Yeah. I understand. It’s just hard for me to watch her health decline and not feel resentful towards the profession. She is such a physically and emotionally tough woman, to see her dealing with what was entirely preventable pain is rough.

My biggest motivation for not doing stupid dangerous things is that all my friends and family would be forced to explain how I died in such a dumb way.

As a man who is also an RN, I’ve witnessed some interesting things.

Yep! Full size maglite and tennis ball (up near the ribcage!!) are the best I’ve seen (My acquaintance actually kept the films as evidence. They are amazing.).

Or in the urethra...


i don’t know. i tried to forget that story but i don’t think i can.

give the kid prunes and banana.

Nursing itself is great. It’s the corporate cutting and the lack of safety precautions that drives people from the bedside. I really don’t understand how those long-term nurses survive for so long and don’t burn out. Although the ANA is working on nurse injury prevention and safe patient moving/lifting, they can only

Sorry about your mum. They take advantage of caring people like your mum as they know they don’t do it for the money. It’s a disgrace.

Your Mom is amazing and I'm so grateful that people like her exist.

I’m only two years into teaching, and I honestly feel defeated.

Ugh, as the daughter of a teacher I can feel for your mom. My mom was a special ed teacher for many, many years. Before that she taught Head Start in rural WA, before that taught on the rez in AZ, and before that started her career working in inner city Detroit in the 1960’s (your mom and mine can keep each other

I often hear from POC, and as a woman I often say it myself, it’s not their job to educate everyone. It’s not your girlfriend’s job to educate everyone, especially if she’s had a hard day at work and has other things to worry about, especially educate a person she’ll see this one time in her life.

Hi, I am not a nurse but my partner of almost 3 years is. A little backround - I am black and she is white.

Yeah, it’s chilling, really. Odd comparison, but it’s kind of like the moment in a movie when you realize the one they’ve got playing the good guy has been the killer all along. We like to think we’re unfathomable people readers, but this simply isn’t the case.