
Wait. Is runner’s shits a god honest THING?

Yeah, it’s messy and would make me chafe and ruin my clothes. Blood doesn’t come out of spandex easily.

I feel like you do you, but seriously, I would not to walk around feeling my wet blood pooling on my pants.

Um, yeah...She’d be walking home. GROSS.

It seems really uncomfortable to me. All of that wetness just resting there and going every which way! I hate that feeling when I wear pads. A period cup wouldn’t have worked?

Whaaaa? Is the idea “if you hear any kids talking about SEX, write them up immediately!” or more like “FYI, if you hear kids discussing sex, it’s because we’re doing this unit, and also please keep your eyes peeled for kids spreading misinformation or anything that should set off alarm bells as far as students

I feel ya. I’m a high school English teacher, but I used to start my classes with a brief overview of the big national and international headlines as of that morning because my students will be eligible to vote before they leave me, but they rarely read anything deeper than Twitter. I was asked to stop this practice

I teach in a middle school. Not sure what the kids in my district get in 4th & 5th grade, but during 8th grade, the kids get a 2 week unit on sex ed in their science class. When that unit starts, we get an email from admin warning us to be aware of any conversations regarding sex ed that are happening outside of

Holy shit, she came to my kids’ school (private, so she only spoke to the upper school kids) and I about had a fit. My husband is the chaplain there, but I’ve already warned him that if she comes back I am standing in the audience and asking questions, clarifying information, etc. I have an MPH and give zero fucking

“....programs comparing girls who’ve had sex to used tape, chewed up gum, and stinky old shoes.”

I’mma bout to buy as many copies of “Changing Bodies, Changing Lives” as I can afford and start leaving them outside religious schools and fundamentalist the Gideons do with bibles in motels.

i heard pam stenzel speak as a teen. hot damn she fucked me up. sex was traumatic for me for a long time.

I have a nasty feeling that the abstinence only states have a lot of conversations like this:

“You wouldn’t accept a history class not being historically accurate”

Too right: Both patients I’ve had with it are such tough guys and they overcame so much in their childhoods. Sending good thoughts to your uncle and family.

Ha, same,except I lived in a heavily French Canadian/Irish/Italian area, so I never heard that Catholics weren’t christians until college.

I read it when all the Josh fuckery came out, possibly even on a Gawker site. It was bizarre to see video of them actually doing it.

Well, I would rather have Levin and WB mad at me than the CIA and/or Al Qaeda.

On the other hand, perhaps some nice variety?