
The original poster was talking about a wedding party activity. You are not the “host” to your wedding party the same way you are a host to every other wedding attendee, because your wedding party exists specifically to be helpful with things centering around your wedding - they help you make favors, they lift your

Nope. Depends on the charity.

Especially if your entire family and social circle is full of selfish cunts.

I read about this yesterday and it made me teary. Turkey and the Turkish people have done SO MUCH for Syrian refugees, it really reaffirms your faith in humanity. Not everyone has been awesome but these two kids totally make up for that.

It is nice of you to say that. So, thank you. But, here’s the deal. I live a comfortable life. I have a nice job and I am as privileged as you can get. I’m a white, male, IT geek that works in the technology industry. I should be doing and giving a lot more of my time and means. People like those in the article remind

THANK YOU. Also, something tells me that the publicity around this event will inspire more couples to do the same. So even if you think that the couples’ actions are cheapened by the publicity, the publicity has probably also inspired many people to help more.

The only thing we do is bring our kids to the care and share once a month for some volunteer time. I try to donate money whenever I can, but really I’m basically a selfish jerk.

idgaf :) If even one person decides to do something charitable as part of their wedding because of it, then they are even better. win-Win-WIN

Yes, the world knows about it but for each of those 4000 refugees this couple made a tangible difference. So stop being such an asshole.

Oh, piss off, Killer of Joy. You go to a refugee camp in a wedding dress and feed 4000 people, you’re gonna make the evening news.

I helped a lot of people do this when I worked weddings. SO AWESOME. There’s always TONS of leftovers, and we boxed them up for the bride and groom, but some would donate.

If you’re looking to do something nice but maybe not this nice for your wedding, donate your leftovers to a food bank and your flower arrangements to a hospital or nursing home.

I have friends who are having a simple wedding and while there's a registry to placate the older relatives, they also have a charity cause that they said they would love to see us support instead of ordering gifts

Aw man. My husband and I wanted to make a group volunteer event part of our wedding party activites the week of the wedding and there was a REVOLT. People were incredibly unhappy about the idea of donating food to the local food bank and spending a few hours packing it. Heaven forbid we had incorporated that into the

In the same boat. I’d rather spend a day doing volunteer work (which I often do anyway) than having The Wedding.

I only wish I would have done the same kind of thing. Honestly, I wish I was this selfless.

I think the one that left a big scar (maybe they both do?) is small pox. My Chinese co-workers have those scars, because they still need to vaccinate for small pox in Asia. I know for a fact that I didn’t get that vaccine, but I’m pretty sure it’s ok since small pox is essentially eradicated.

Thanks, but I bounced back pretty quick. Luckily my bleeding disorder resolved and I didn’t need to have my spleen removed.

I work as an OT in a physical rehab facility for the elderly and medically complex. Polio is a bitch, man. Sure you can survive it... Just to get post-polio syndrome in adulthood. I’ve seen it twice in my short career and the (English) research on it is scant, at times contradictory and basically shrug emoticon