
We all have bad days. I know that there are shifts when I have not been the best nurse, so busy that I don’t have time to scratch myself, running from patient to patient doing the next most urgent thing, prioritising everything as I go. Then there are the lazy nurses or the burnt out ones, the ones who should retire

“Props to you young squire, for keepin’ out of the sideshow! Huzzah and a dram of ale to the gimp!” Don't know why I picture a Cockney street thief when thinking of these idiots, but their attitudes smack of Victorian cruelty.

I had a miscarriage and the nurse inserting my IV for the D&C procedure asked me, “oh is this a disappointment? You never know nowadays.”

How’s this as a neg for picking up a nurse? “You probably could have been a doctor. Except for being a woman of course.”

As a fellow sufferer of anxiety-induced weight loss, I would like to say- fuck that bitch.

Oh my God. Nurses. Do they ever say the right thing or is it always sanctimonious bullshit? I’m in a recovery program for opiate addiction. I was on oxy for six years, hundreds of mgs a day. Finally got clean seven years ago but I still am on suboxone therapy because of genuine chronic pain in my spine.

I am, thanks! I actually stopped this week and realized that that was two full years ago and I realized how many good things have happened for me (and that I have MADE happen) since then, and I was super proud of myself. :)

I went to the doctor because I was in the middle of a serious depressive episode/anxiety meltdown, couldn’t eat, and had dropped 15 lbs in about 4 weeks. I got on the scale so the medical assistant could weigh me (part of the usual recording of vitals before the doctor comes in — height, weight, blood pressure, etc.).

The husband of a friend of mine tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrists. While he was in the hospital, one of the nurses told him that his cuts “were beautiful” and looked like surgical sutures. I think they reported her. I hope that woman never goes near another patient.

Next time someone says that to you, respond, “you speak a lot better than most emotional cripples I’ve seen. Good on you for toughin’ it out and not caring that you’re being an asshole. You should be proud of how strong you are.”

Ugh that's the worst. I had A guy tell me that he liked how I am so much thicker than his ex. She was small and petite and your so curvy and filled out! Um...thanks? Way to give me a complex, dude. Just think it, don't say it.

Such a nice thing to say to a woman who let you have sex with her, dumbshit.

Sometimes I wish I could say something complimentary to them like, “For a nurse, your grammar skills are surprisingly adequate.”

Uggghhh it's times like those you wish you could magically un-fuck someone!

I wish. I’ve had pretty great luck with men but that guy was a real piece of work. I did tell him his ostrich skin cowboy boots that he’d just paid $800 for were fake. He was Danish but super into Texas culture, so I think that hurt him more than a wangpunch.

One of the guys I screwed around with (who I’m now really good friends with) said I’m the only overweight girl he’s ever found attractive.
I don’t think that was actually a neg, on his part, but it was kind of like... okay? thank you?

I don’t get why guys feel the need to share information like that. :\

After our first (and last) time together:

It really felt that way. The funny thing is it was only a few years ago and I can literally remember nothing else about this guy. Except my friend called him lens crafters because he had these stupid hipster glasses. That’s all I remember about him.

This is pretty mild, but Jesus, it stung at the time. I spent a long time very active in slash fandom before the overwhelming, unrelenting misogyny got too much for me to handle. I didn’t write, for years, but I edited people’s stories, enthusiastically recced stories I loved, and generally spent a lot of time gushing

“Girls who have been raped are normally fucking crazy; you actually seem really normal and pretty stable.”