
Pagans do that too, from the Victorian tradition of having Dumb (silent) suppers in memory of family and loved ones that had died the year before. I really like it.

me too!

Well at least he was justified!

Because when they first came out they were a Parlour Game, not necessarily a fun game, a contacting the spirits kind, but could be played by mixed genders inside. Somehow it’s warped into a ‘game’ game.

I grew up Catholic and hadn’t heard of that saint, off to look him up.

I get really excited about this stuff, because maybe then it means there is something after death, but I try to approach everything from a skeptical position.

Hey fellow Pagan! :) Happy nearly New Year. :)

These are questions I’ve been wondering too. I think the religious person (priest/minister in U.S.) comes from the dominant religion of the area you live in. I don’t think the religion itself matters, IMHO.

Be handy if they got TP after scaring the shit out of them.

The last few years, ever single time I’ve pulled 3 cards to do a reading I’ve gotten the same damn three cards. Argh... I haven’t done it in a few years, I might take them to the Halloween party tomorrow though.

Hugs! “THere is more in Heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy...”, if anyone isn’t going to make fun of you it’s here. :)

Could you donate it to a church that does exorcisms? They can practice on it?

How odd and crazy. Had you noticed things before, or was it only when presented to you that you’d put it together? Had you and your hubby been having things happen for a long time separately before you were together?

I’m sorry that happened to you guys, and I hope things are quiet for you now (sending you good thoughts over the net!).

As a Michigander I get so excited when I see folks on here from MI. :) I live in TX now for the past 8 years but I miss home tons, and tons. Gainful employment is important, but if I could move back I’d do it in an instant.

It’s not the stories that get me, mostly, so much as the comment section. I always think I’m good, and then last night I was up until nearly dawn. You darling fuckers, I hate you all.

Sorry your mom was so hard to deal with, hugs! There’s more in Heaven and Earth...but being raised Catholic I don’t get all these demon things, and that seems a pretty negative thing to be teaching kids. But now I’m an Atheist so I don’t have a dog in the fight either way.

That’s creepier than the stories. Nice job.

Poor woman!

Aww, she was just saying ‘hi’ to your baby! They’re so cute when they’re in the tub.