Your poor neighbor! I would have walked away from that box too...
Your poor neighbor! I would have walked away from that box too...
I thought that was hilarious too.
I’m sorry about your friend. I was very happy to get past 35 and not die in a car accident, so the Ouija was wrong in my case.
How weird that he (if it was him) would ‘hate’ you too and give you weird answers. huh.
I do remember, thanks for the update. I hope the rest of the home repairs go well.
This is my favorite thread of the year, I can’t wait for tomorrow...woooooo!
You forgot to mention post-mortems, and those wacky Victorians. I posted Daniel Maclise’s “Snap-Apple Night” (1833) painting on our museum’s FB page today... We won’t be doing these activities on Halloween but it gives a good example of period games, and the poem to go with it.
How awesome is that?! Hair art is amazing and intricate, I would have loved that class.
I didn’t realize he’d put on so much weight, what a weird strategy, I would just think he’d have more body mass to deflect a bullet/bag of skittles.
I’m scared I’d throw something at the computer.
There’s a university fencing club in Germany that still gets pretty scared up in the face, can’t remember the name though, sorry.
And in Rob Roy they get tired pretty quickly...
I’m so excited to finally see this documentary! I fenced in college and have been wanting to join this group for a while but need to do it now. Thanks for sharing!
I like Liberation as well, the female character is fun to play and has an interesting story line.
Ugh...I couldn’t believe that either. All my pro-gun co-workers were like, but that’s manslaughter...I just kept thinking he ‘killed!!!! her!!!”. ugh...
I just canned a bunch of this last week, yum!
Thanks for the link!
I really want to go and help but thank you for the reality check, and for the reminder to help others and not bog the system down. Thanks for the links too!
I want a little Eid cake!