A little background info, via “For The Win”:
A little background info, via “For The Win”:
Given my experience in these situations, this went one of to ways:
The part that makes me most sad is that not one person in the process from concept to implementation spoke up and said, “Guys, I don’t think we should do this.”
Looking forward to the inevitable crossover promotion with Pornhub.
Ralph Wolf always punched in for work with Sam Sheepdog. What’s confusing is Ralph looks almost exactly like Wiley E. Coyote, save for a different color nose .
Michigan J. Frog criminally underrated.
Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.
If this blog will not recognize Gossamer, I will not recognize this blog. Good day.
Spoiler Alert: Yes.
Twitter “SHADOW BANNING” prominent Republicans. Not good. We will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice at once! Many complaints.
Her name seems....foreign...to me. I’m pretty sure we should have ICE take her in for questioning.
“I am not a racist. Nobody believes families should be separated.”
It was an obtuse angle.
Honestly though, after 70+ years of never dealing with the consequences of all the terrible, evil shit he’s done I doubt he’s worried about anything.
“I am not a racist. I just think these little wetbacks had it coming.”
So basically, his defense is, “What you saw and heard isn’t what really happened.”
Nope, first name Papa, last name Assbag.
The Litigious B.I.Got
Papa John has also vowed to “get them all back” by “doing a burnout in the parking lot of company headquarters in my beloved 1971 Z28 Camaro I sold more than 25 years ago to help my dad’s tavern stay afloat and ultimately launch Papa John’s.”