Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Why are you even associating POTUS with this?! He’s not anti-semitic! He said so! He knows Jews! He loves the Jews! They’re his favorite. Fake news once again spreading lies.

He won like ALL the colleges

More than likely because it’s an unwritten rule to just RESPECT THE DEAD. Unless you have a celebrity grave site where grave robbers would be an issue, other regular places are just a gloomy parks.

Hard to report trouble when all the neighbors are dead.

I’m sure POTUS will put the fears of the jewish community to rest by telling them again about his awesome Electoral College victory...

Yeah this is bad, but did they hear about Trump’s electoral college win?

Come on Tim, if these two really loved America they would have respectfully stood in silence during the anthem with their hands on their hearts, then pulled out a gun and shot someone “in self defense”, then denied someone access to a bathroom appropriate to their gender, then refused a person access to the USA based

It’s like a Route 30 Romeo and Juliet- just tragic in different ways is all...

This is some next-level mental gymnastics going on. Obama somehow orchestrated UIL’s pigheaded refusal to acknowledge the possibility that a transgender student would want to compete in his or her gender, to somehow bring about the downfall of America, all after he has left office?

This man is a fucking thin skinned coward. I sincerely hope the Press goes through with it, using the most awful mock-up dummy of Trump they can find, sitting on a chair.

Yes. Good thing the guy running the White House doesn’t need a safe space, like us whiny triggered libruls.

If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

How can there be a fire hazard when the building is pre-infiltrated with water and has a golden shower fire system?

To be fair to Hartford, if your team’s name was as awful as the Yard Goats, wouldn’t you do everything possible to keep them from playing?

Is that what you have to do to get me out of the grays?

An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:

On the outside we’re different, but, like, we all pee yellow, man. Well, except Erik, but he has porphyria, so he doesn’t count.

“By the way, there’s a scene in this movie where Kevin Costner takes a crowbar to the ‘Whites Only’ bathroom sign and says, ‘At NASA, we all pee the same color.’ I can guarantee you A) That never happened, and B) Costner demanded that part be included to give himself a heroic anti-racism moment.”

I still haven’t gotten over “Shakespeare in Love” winning best picture over “Saving Private Ryan”.